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TECHNICAL GUIDE Filename: GV3 Tech Guide 3.2 UK March2024 hepcomotion.com HepcoMotion.com Last saved: 20 March 2024 3:56 pm
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This guide interacts with the HepcoMotion website and GV3 catalogue GV3 DRAFT - INTERNAL USE ONLY TECHNICAL GUIDE Filename: v07 DRAFT Hepco GV3 Technical Guide hepcomotion.com HepcoMotion.com Last saved: 14 June 2017 12:58 PM Contents System Assembly & Adjustment Drive System Recommendations Gearboxes, Drive Flanges & AC Geared Motors Drive Calculations for Rack Driven Carriages Deflection of Self-Supporting Slides Data & Dimensions for Assembled Systems LINEAR GUIDANCE AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Filename: v24 DRAFT Hepco GV3 Update Last saved: 13 October 2017 5:04 PM Load/Life Calculation...
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Please refer to the Video section of the HepcoMotion website for a selection of How-To videos that complement the information provided in this section of the GV3 Technical Guide. Through Fixing Type Bearings & Track Rollers Having loosely assembled the components (minus load), the Concentric type Bearings should be fully tightened and the Eccentric type Bearings tightened just sufficiently to permit adjustment. Adjusting Wrench Greater sealing effect, at the expense of increased friction, may be achieved by adjusting each Cap Seal body in further until its ‘V’ profile makes contact with the...
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Drive System Recommendations limit of stroke security switch stop & reverse approach speed approach speed AC Speed Controllers and Limit Switches Hepco can supply the speed controller and switches necessary to position and dynamically control linear movement. AC Speed Controllers The model and details of the AC Speed Controller will depend on the application. Each type has been selected to match the requirements of the range of AC Geared Motors, and the functionality that is required in point to point linear applications using rack or belt transmissions. Please contact Hepco for technical...
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Gearboxes, AC Geared Motors & Drive Flanges Hepco Gearboxes, AC Geared Motors & Drive Flanges provide a means to drive Rack Driven Carriages and can also be used with separate Racks or Rack Cut Single Edge Spacer Slides to provide a simple and easily adjustable linear drive. Gearboxes and Geared Motors may be specified with an adjustable torque limiting clutch, if required. The Drive Flange, which connects the Gearbox to the Carriage, incorporates a micro-adjustment facility for achieving correct with the Rack. Customers using the Drive Flange in conjunction with a Carriage of their own...
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Calculations - Rack Driven Carriage Drive Calculations CAD The following section should be used by customers who require a system using a Rack Driven Carriage with fitted Gearbox or Geared Motor, and need to calculate the speeds and forces produced by the system. Drive calculations for systems using Hepco Belt Driven Carriages, belts and pulleys are identical to those in the Hepco DLS Driven Linear System catalogue. Customers using other combinations of components should use the data within this document and conventional calculations to rate their systems. Hepco will be pleased to assist in...
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Calculations - Load/Life Calculation Examples The formula and values in the following examples are detailed in the Load/Life Calculations Example Calculation 1 A machine control unit is mounted onto a Hepco AU 76 34 L240 CS DR Carriage (Standard Carriage with fitted Cap Seals and Double Row Bearings ), mounted onto an NM76 P1 Double Edge Spacer Slide . The weight of the control unit and Carriage is 45 kg, and the centre of mass is central along the length of the Carriage, and 0.085m from the Slide ‘V’ as shown in the diagram. The system is lubricated. Calculating the Carriage life: (Refer...
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The deflection of a Slide or Slide Beam acting as a cantilever will be a maximum at the free end when the load is at the outermost extremity of its stroke. This maximum deflection is given by equation (2)*1: Application Examples Deflection due to the applied load L 4Qg 8EI Deflection due to the Slide’s weight In the equations (1) and (2) above, L, k and d are the dimensions shown in the relevant diagrams (in mm) and F is the load applied (in Newtons). The term EI is the product of the Slide or Slide Beam material’s Young’s modulus and the section moment of inertia, which is a constant,...
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Data & Dimensions for Assembled Systems GV3 can be ordered either as individual components or as factory assembled systems. For details on the extensive range of factory assembled Standard , Slimline , Removable, Belt Driven and Rack Driven Carriages , please refer to the GV3 catalogue. This section includes summary data on Slides , Bearings and Lubrication Devices . They allow customers to calculate the overall dimensions of a system (less the Carriage plate) and provide important reference dimensions including drilling details. The information can be determined for any combination of...
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Data & Dimensions for Assembled Systems ‘V’ Slide Systems with Slimline ‘V’ Bearing Please refer to the diagrams below and the tables & 17 when designing a system utilising the Slimline Bearing programme. For systems which are based on the Standard Bearing programme, please see & 14-15. For systems which incorporate Track Rollers and/or Pinions , see & 18-19. CAD models are also available online. Slides with Through Hole Fixing Bearings Fixing Screw Size H Slides with Blind Hole Fixing Bearings Slides with Cap Seals Slides with Lubricators Tap hole size V Metric Fine Part Number Slimline...
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Data & Dimensions for Assembled Systems Systems with Track Rollers, Racks & Pinions The section includes data on Single Edge Spacer Slides , Bearings , Track Rollers , Flat Tracks , Racks and Pinions to allow customers to calculate overall dimensions of a system and look up important dimensions, including drilling details. All sizes of Track Roller (in both narrow and wide formats) have a 500 mm crown radius to avoid the problems which can occur if imperfect alignment concentrates the load on the edge of the Roller. It is possible to run a Wide Track Roller on the rear face of the Single...
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