Catalog excerpts

DRAFT - INTERNAL USE ONLY LINEAR GUIDANCE AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM HepcoMotion.com Filename: GV3 14.2 UK March2024 Last saved: 20 March 2024 3:11 pm Filename: GV3 14.2 UK March2024 Last saved: 20 March 2024 3:11 pm
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This catalogue interacts with the HepcoMotion website Refer also to Quick Reference icons in page margins LINEAR GUIDANCE AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Filename: v32 DRAFT Hepco GV3 Update (without DRAFT labelling) Last saved: 18 July 2018 2:05 PM Additional information can be viewed within the online GV3 Technical Guide when you click this icon: To assist browsing this catalogue online, clicking wherever you see blue hypertext, page number, or a product icon in the page margins, will take you directly to the section required: Where other HepcoMotion product ranges are referred to, clicking on...
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System Composition Linear Motion System with Standard Bearings INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS, OR FULLY-ASSEMBLED AND ADJUSTED SYSTEMS, READY TO INSTALL ALL SLIDES (COMMON FEATURES) & 26-31 n One piece construction for assured parallelism and rigidity. n Manufactured from high quality bearing steel. n Deep hardened V faces for maximum wear resistance. n Soft centre section allows customising. n Any length supplied up to 4 metres. n Unlimited length achieved by butting. n Attractive, corrosion inhibiting black finish on unground faces. n Common 70° ‘V’ allows many Bearing/Slide combinations. n...
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System Composition Linear Motion System with Slimline Bearings Linear Motion System with Flat Track & Rollers INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS, OR FULLY-ASSEMBLED AND ADJUSTED SYSTEMS, READY TO INSTALL TRACK ROLLERS (COMMON FEATURES) & 43-45 n Factory adjusted to chosen Slide, if required. n Carriage Plate available as an individual item, for self assembly. n Useful size platform with flush surface and tapped holes for mounting purposes. n Available with Bearings only, or with the addition of Cap Wipers or Lubricators. ALL SLIDES (COMMON FEATURES) & 26-31 n All Hepco Slides are suitable for both...
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System Composition Linear Motion System with Drive Facility / Support Structure INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS, OR FULLY-ASSEMBLED AND ADJUSTED SYSTEMS, READY TO INSTALL BELT DRIVEN CARRIAGE Ancillary Components FLOATING BEARING GV3 Technical Guide n Provides axial movement (float) of the ‘V’ position to compensate for parallelism error when two Slides are mounted in parallel. n Caged needle roller bearing for high speed operation. n Nitrile seals to prevent ingress of debris. n Lubricated for life internally. See Application Examples & 12 & 15 n Use with Flat Slides, Spacer Slides or Slide Beams in...
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System Composition Ancillary Components INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS, OR FULLY-ASSEMBLED AND ADJUSTED SYSTEMS, READY TO INSTALL REMOVABLE CARRIAGE n Provides a physical stop to the linear movement and impact protection should a system overrun. n Conical buffer provides a controlled deceleration to the Carriage to protect the system and payload. n May be positioned anywhere along the length of a Slide for maximum flexibility. SEE APPLICATION EXAMPLES SECTION FOR DESIGN IDEAS n Incorporates Double Eccentric Bearings to enable complete removal of the Carriage. Please see Side Access Adjustment below...
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Application Examples MOUNTING SLIDES ONTO TUBULAR FRAMEWORK EASE OF ALIGNMENT USING ALL ECCENTRIC BEARINGS Hepco Single Edge Flat Slides can be mounted to the edges of many sizes of square or rectangular tube with sufficient protrusion of the Slide ‘V’ running face to provide clearance for Hepco Bearings and Lubrication Devices. The fixing hole positions allow attachment by means of standard sizes of hexagon bar . Alternatively, Slides can be attached by “flowdrilling” or by welding. This example shows the possibility to adjust the Hepco GV3 Slide System in one plane, thus avoiding the...
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Application Examples CANTILEVERED LINEAR GUIDE HIGH SPEED AIR FLOW TESTING Short stroke sliding movements may be supported from one end only, using Hepco long series Flange Clamps . Flange Clamps may be bolted to either side of the supporting framework and are available with either through holes or tapped holes. Hepco Slide Systems are capable of continuous operation at extremely high speeds. The factor which limits speed is the build up of heat in the Bearings. Intermittent use as in the application allows the heat to disperse and hence makes even higher speeds possible. Acceleration and...
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Application Examples REMOTE CONTROLLED CAMERA HIGH SPEED MARKING MACHINE Hepco Slides are used extensively in the theatre and film industry for positioning cameras or lighting. X axis: The Hepco Double Edge Spacer Slide with Rack assures parallelism between teeth and ‘V’ faces of the Slide, providing smooth motion with low backlash. Hepco Floating Bearings mounted on one side allow for imperfection of parallelism between the opposing X axis Slides to be accommodated. Hepco MCS Machine Construction System profiles with T-Nut fixing facility provide a useful method for attaching the X...
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Application Examples MULTI AXIS ROBOTIC ARM A number of axes can be built up in a compact manner by using Single Edge Spacer Slides spaced apart to accommodate platforms sufficiently large to support the adjacent axis. The rotary turn‑table is also easy to construct by using components selected from Hepco’s PRT2 Precision Ring & Track System product range. The vertical axis supporting the robotic arm is fixed to the rotary table by a Hepco long series Flange Clamp . MULTI STATION PRODUCT PICKING AND COLLATING SYSTEM X axis: Hepco Single Edge Flat Slides bolt direct to the machine frame to...
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System Selector Full Size Illustrations CAD SHOWN HERE ARE FULL SIZE ILLUSTRATIONS OF ALL FLAT TRACKS AND TRACK ROLLERS, WITH ROLLERS RUNNING ON EITHER THE NARROW OR WIDE FACES OF THE TRACK. The customer has a wide choice of HepcoMotion GV3 components in order to satisfy most linear motion requirements. To facilitate the selection process, the most commonly used components for a basic Slide System have been tabulated to show comparative benefits when used within a complete system. The benefits in the table are the important ones, which can be shown in comparative form and are by no means...
Open the catalog to page 12All HepcoMotion catalogs and technical brochures
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ALR Aluminium Rings
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ZIMM GSZ & Z Series Screw Jacks
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Archived catalogs
BSP Ballscrew Premier
9 Pages
SL2 Stainless Steel Slide System
15 Pages
PRT2 No.6 Bleed Lubrication
8 Pages
DualVee Technical Data Guide
12 Pages
DualVee Guide Wheels Catalogue
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MCS – RapiLok
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ZIMM – Z Series Leaflet
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