Catalog excerpts

This data sheet interacts with DualVee Catalogue DualVee Tech Guide ALR Aluminium Rings HepcoMotion ALR aluminium rings run with Bishop-Wisecarver DualVee polymer guide wheels. The system provides a cost-effective rotary movement for medium precision, lightly loaded applications. The rings are made from anodised aluminium and the wheels are made with a polymer outer form moulded onto a stainless steel bearing and stud. The system is therefore suitable for use in applications requiring corrosion resistance. ALR Rings are available in 4 standard sizes from 148 to 300mm in diameter, and these are compatible with the size 2 DualVee wheels. For smaller, lighter applications, size 1 and size 0 DualVee wheels also fit. A large range of stronger, precision rings in hardened steel and stainless steel is included in the HepcoMotion PRT range. Please visit www.HepcoMotion.com/PRT2datauk to view the current catalogue.
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Ring Data & Dimensions HepcoMotion ALR Rings are machined from high strength aluminium alloy and are anodised to a specification which gives an excellent combination of durability and corrosion resistance, and has an attractive finish. This surface is optimised to run with Bishop-Wisecarver DualVee polymer guide wheels. Stronger DualVee steel wheels will also fit, but their use is not generally recommended due to ring wear. Please contact Hepco for details. The four sizes of ring shown below are standard items. Other configurations and sizes are also possible - see page 4. Part Number
Open the catalog to page 2
DualVee Polymer Overmoulded Wheels Bishop-Wisecarver polymer overmoulded wheels with integral studs are perfectly matched for use with HepcoMotion ALR Rings. The outer portion of the wheels are precisely moulded in a high performance engineering plastic which runs smoothly and with little friction or wear on the ring Vees. All metal parts of the wheels are stainless steel. The bearings in the wheels are shielded, and are lubricated for life internally. The size 2 wheels (SWIC2P & SWIE2P) are the usual choice for use with all the ALR rings in the standard range shown on page 2, but the...
Open the catalog to page 3
Special Rings For batches of components, other forms of aluminium ring can be supplied. These include other diameters and thicknesses, rings with internal Vees, gearcut rings, and rings machined in the form of self aligning timing belt pulleys (see below). Please contact Hepco for full details of capability. Gearcut Ring The standard range can accommodate MOD1.25 gears. Rings with internal Vee Can be made on request. Timing Pulley Ring Rings with an internal Vee can be machined to suit self-aligning belts, and be supplied with belts and pulleys. HepcoMotion®, Lower Moor Business Park,...
Open the catalog to page 4All HepcoMotion catalogs and technical brochures
HLG Hepco Linear Ball Guides
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HDS2 Heavy Duty Slide System
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PRT2 No. 2 Installation Details
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PRT2 No.8 DTS Components
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PRT2 No. 11 Mix & Match
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PRT2 1-Trak
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Floating Bearings
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DualVee Wash Down Wheels
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MCS Catalogue
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Profiles with Linear Guides
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HTS Drawer Slides Catalogue
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PSD80 No.1 Ballscrew
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HDRT Heavy Duty Ring and Tracks
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Uni-Guide – Product Overview
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ZIMM GSZ & Z Series Screw Jacks
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Archived catalogs
BSP Ballscrew Premier
9 Pages
SL2 Stainless Steel Slide System
15 Pages
PRT2 No.6 Bleed Lubrication
8 Pages
DualVee Technical Data Guide
12 Pages
DualVee Guide Wheels Catalogue
11 Pages
MCS – RapiLok
2 Pages
ZIMM – Z Series Leaflet
4 Pages