PFR series power factor regulator


Catalog excerpts

PFR series power factor regulator - 1

HENGYI ELECTRIC GROUP PFR series power factor regulator 1 GeneraI The power factor regulator combines comprehensive opera�on with user friendly control se�ng.It uses numerical techniques in compu�ng the phase difference between the fundamentals of current and voltage,thus precise power factor measurement is achieved even in presence of harmonics. The power factor regulator is designed to op�mize the control of reac�ve power compensa�on.Reac�ve power compensa�on is achieved by measuring con�nuously the reac�ve power of the system and then compensated by the switching of capacitor banks. The sensi�vity se�ng op�mizes the switching speed.With the buil�n intelligent automa�c switching program,the power factor regulator further improves the switching efficiency by reducing the number of switching opera�ons required to achieve the desired power factor. Usage of the capacitor bank is evenly distributed by the intelligent switching algorithm.This ensu res uniform ageing of the capacitors and the contactors used. The four-quadrant opera�on featu re allows the power factor regulator to operate correctly in the case of ac�ve power feed back to the mains where regenera�ve power sources are used. Harmonic current in the system can be harmtuI to the capaotor bank.This power factor reguIator lS capable of measunng the totaI harmonic distor�on(THD)in the system and p roduce an alarm It the THD level is higher.than the preset value Other alarms include under/over compensate alarm,under/over current ala rm and under/over voltage alarm. Current transformer(CT) polarity is important in determining the correct phase angle diffe rent between the cu rrent and voltage hence the power factor.This power factor regulator will automa�cally correct the CT polarity internally in the event that the polarity is reversed. 2 Technical Data 2.1 Auxiliary Supply Supply voltage: 200 ~ 240 VAC / 346 ~ 415 VAC Opera�ng Limits: -15% ~ +10% Consump�on: 10VA max Frequency: 50Hz or 60Hz 2.2 Current Input Rated Current,In:5A Opera�ngs Limits:0.05A - 6.5A Rated Frequency: 50Hz or 60Hz 2.3 Relay Output Numbers ofoutputs:6/8/12/4(PFR60/PFR80/PFR120/PFR140 Contact arrangment:NO contact type Rated capacity:5A 250VAC(CosΦ=1) Max current for the:12A con�nuous common terminals 2.4 Control Range Power factor se�ng: 0.8 induc�ve - 0.8 capaci�ve C/K se�ng: 0.03-120/Auto Switching sensi�vity: 5-600 s/step Reconnec�on �me: 5-240 s for same step THD threshold: 0.20-3.00(20% -300% )/OFF Switching Program: Automatic/Automatic Rotate/Manual/Four-quadrant Rated step coefficient: 0/1/2/3/4/6/8/12/16 2.5 Mechanical Mounting: Panel mounting Dimenson(W×H×D): 144mm×144mm×91mm Approximate weight: 1kg

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