Group: Liming Group

Catalog excerpts

(§) PRIMARY CRUSHING PLANT *9»J Series SS'F$Jfr3fi&l- Any chonpeol technical data thal not be oavtsed oadl1k>na«y
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(§) SECONDARY CRUSHING AND SCREENING PLANT Henan Liming HEAVY INDUSTRY science &technologyco..ltd. AnyChangoo( technicaldata that noi Do oOvUco <xkMk>noty
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Henan Liming HEAVY INDUSTRY science &technologyco..ltd. ® VSI SHAPING AND SCREENING PLANT 3RM Any ctxrnoo of tochncal Oa'a shall not Do octosoa oOditionotv Ary changoOl focfintcc*Oolo JhOI no* DOoOvtMkI od(*f©naiy.
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Henan Liming HEAVY INDUSTRY science &technologyco..ltd. (§) FEEDER, JAW/IMPACT. AND SCREENING PLANT X9J Any chongeonechnicoi data shall nor be or^-aed additionaiy U. SM'Mijitfifil. Anychongeottechnicaldata shatnotbe advised odO’ionolly
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Henan Liming HEAVY INDUSTRY science &technologyco .lto Technical highlights Of k series mobile Crushing plant i.tJHMHt K**. *#»**«. (18- -25’ mm) . I»UK W2 3«»H« frMttfcHWfcB'Jfidn. asst/*. *Alffl4 l.unlvorsalbody A cxxv is in common use of 10 kinds of modefc *o$f doiveey. customers con ojy the host device of our company contiruousty to upgrade the purchased one without hovirg to purchase the trorre again. or transform mo fromo. 2 adjustable onglo for vibrating scroon Optimizing th© groto structure widm of v*yot*>g foodor and the pro-screening groto stratification; increasing mprovemen*...
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Henan Liming HEAVY INDUSTRY science & technologyco..ltd. 5 .For screening mobile station, we improve the screening double hoppers so that the external belt conveyor can be rotated 180 degrees. This will be convenient to transport stone in the production process for mobile station. The splicing guard of external belt conveyor is also optimized for leakproof materials. Please see Figure 5 6 .hydraulic drive cycloid motor Automotive belt conveyor adopt adjustable speed mode which adjust the belt speed based on material handling to reduce energy consumption. Please see Figure 6 7 .water spray...
Open the catalog to page 6All Henan LIMING Heavy Industry Science and Technology catalogs and technical brochures
Jaw Crusher
3 Pages
3 Pages
13 Pages