Catalog excerpts

Catch Pots Remove large slugs of water Prevent filter element flooding A major problem in many gas sample systems is the presence of large quantities of condensed liquid. In such systems it is possible for a filter to become flooded, even when serviced frequently. A common solution to this problem is the installation of a catch pot immediately before the filter. Many Headline filter housings can be converted into catch pots, those with transparent bowls (e.g. 137G, 250, 751N or 780PC) being especially suitable, as they allow continuous monitoring of the liquid level. To order catch pots simply add CP to the housing code. Bubblers Wash gas samples Add vapour to sample 245BB A further adaption of the filter housings converts them into bubblers, which allows a gas sample to be passed through a liquid. In some applications this will be to wash out or remove an unwanted constituent of the sample, while in others it will be to add a vapour to the sample e.g. to maintain a minimum relative humidity. Many Headline filters can be converted into bubblers, those with transparent bowls (e.g. 250, 751N or 780PC) being especially suitable, as they allow continuous monitoring of the liquid level. To order bubblers simply add BB to the housing code. 31
Open the catalog to page 1All Headline Filters catalogs and technical brochures
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