Catalog excerpts

Power Rating Conditions * No reduction in rating for intake air temperature is up to 45°C (318K) and sea water temperature is up to 32°C (305K), relative humidity is up to 60% * All data are based on operation to ISO 3046. Performance tolerance of ±3% Engine Specifications Engine Model
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Marine Propulsion Engine Key Features and Benefit Convenience Compliance with emission regulation Auto Tensioner, CCV for engine room (Satisfy IMO Tier ll/lll, EPA Tier 3) cleanliness. Electrical oil drain pump Decreasing fuel consumption to Maximum 3 years warranty provided average 5% by downsizing through extended warranty option 58 Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. HD Hyundai Infracore Co., Ltd. 13F, HD Hyundai Group's Global R&D Center, 477, Bundangsuseo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea(13553) T.+82-32-211-1114 E.enginesales@hyundai-di.r.om...
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