Catalog excerpts

DATA SHEET DSE-HIE Digital Sensor Electronics hygienic with industrial Ethernet SPECIAL FEATURES S Freely configurable full-bridge strain gage measuring amplifier S High accuracy and signal resolution based on fast 24 bit A/D converter (2 kHz sample rate) S Communication protocols: PROFINET® (RT/IRT), EtherCAT®, Modbus TCP and Ethernet (TCP/IP) S Easy configuration via integrated web server S Optimized precision-adjustable filters for dynamic production and weighing applications S Daisy-chain topology S Robust and compact metal housing S Compliant with EHEDG and with equipment protection level up to IP69k S Designed for legal-for-trade applications (in preparation) BLOCK DIAGRAM DC sensor supply Signal processing (CPU) 2-port multi-protocol interface TCP/IP Electrical isolation Analog/ digital converter Power management
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SPECIFICATIONS Transducer technology Number of load cell verification intervals as per OIML R76, Class III Full bridge strain gages d=e Number of steps in multi-range and multi-interval applications Number of sensor inputs Supply voltage Inrush current Power consumption 1.5 (typ.); ≤3 max. via M12 T-coded 4-pin PROFINET (RT/IRT), EtherCAT®, Modbus TCP and Ethernet (TCP/IP) via M12 D-coded 4-pin Communication protocols Signal bandwidth (-3 dB) Sample rate Analog/digital converter Measuring range Transducer impedance Accuracy class with transducer impedance ≤1200 Ω and cable length ≤15 m with...
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Digital filters, up to 5 cascadable IIR low pass: 0.1 … 30 FIR low pass: 3 … 30 Moving average: 1 … 100 Comb filter: 1 … 100 Weighing functions Checkweigher with pre- and post-trigger, trigger either levelcontrolled or via external photoelectric sensor; Filling and dosing for filling or emptying, with coarse and fine flow control as well as automatic optimization of target weight, FFT analysis (computational and graphical) to iden tify and filter or reduce spurious frequencies Peak-value memory Number Function Sources Response time 3 Minimum, maximum, peak-to-peak mV/V (raw value), gross...
Open the catalog to page 3
FIELDBUSES You can switch the fieldbus type from PROFINET to EtherCAT®1) or Modbus TCP via the ClipX web server. PROFINET Cable type (recommended) Cable length (max.) Connector socket 2 x M12 socket, D-coded with integrated switch Real-time classes Device access point Cycle class 1 (RT) Supported protocols RTC (Real-Time Cyclic) Class 1 unsynchronized Class 3 synchronized RTA (Real-Time Acyclic) DCP (Discovery and Configuration) CL / RPC (Connectionless / Remote Procedure Call) LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) PTCP (Precision Transparent Clock Protocol) SNMP (Simple Network Management...
Open the catalog to page 4
Modbus TCP Function codes Read coils Read input discretes Read multiple registers Read input registers Write coil Write single register Force multiple coils Write multiple registers Read/Write multiple registers Maximum number of registers per read telegram Maximum number of registers per write telegram Maximum number of registers per write telegram Maximum number of coils per read telegram Maximum number of coils per write telegram Device status Meaning (system error LED) DSE error-free and within specification. Values outside operating range, check function. Device error, check all...
Open the catalog to page 5
X1 – Sensor connection (M12 A plug) Mounting hole for M6 screw X2 – Ethernet 1 (M12 D socket) X3 – Power supply (M12 T plug) X4 – Ethernet 2 (M12 D socket) Communication LED Ethernet 1 BF LED for PROFINET/EtherCAT, RUN LED with Modbus TCP Status LED of DSE SF LED for PROFINET/EtherCAT, ERR LED with Modbus TCP Communication LED for Ethernet 2 Notice: The MAC address corresponds to the serial number of the DSE. Measurement signal + NC Sense lead + NC Sense lead – Excitation voltage – Excitation voltage + Measurement signal – Ethernet – D-coded socket 1 TX + Transmit 2 RX + Receive 3 TX –...
Open the catalog to page 6
ACCESSORIES (NOT INCLUDED IN THE SCOPE OF SUPPLY) Accessories for IP67 version: Designation Ordering number Sensor connection Cable socket M12, 8-pin, with straight cable outlet, A-coded, IP67 Cable socket M12, 8-pin, with angled (90°) cable outlet, A-coded, IP67 Connection cable with M12 socket on both ends, 8-pin, 0.3 m long, A-coded, IP67 Ethernet connection cable CAT5, M12 plug on both ends (daisy-chain), 4-pin, D-coded, 0.3 m long, IP67 Ethernet connection cable CAT5, M12 plug on RJ45, 4-pin, D-coded, 2m long, IP67 Ethernet connection cable CAT5, M12 plug on RJ45, 4-pin, D-coded, 5m...
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Real-time control PC / Display / DSE web server (Ethernet) PLC (Profinet EtherCAT) Notice: The numbers in the circles are sample rates for inputs and outputs, NOT the bandwidth. Runnable examples and Tech Notes for operation in fieldbus/PC/Scada systems as well as drivers are available as free downloads from the DSE website: Hottinger Brüel & Kjaer GmbH Im Tiefen See 45 ⋅ 64293 Darmstadt ⋅ Germany Tel. +49 6151 803‐0 ⋅ Fax +49 6151 803‐9100 ⋅ Subject to...
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PMX Measuring amplifier system
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Torque T40B
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HBM eStrain Gauge Catalog
90 Pages
Archived catalogs
Digital Weighing Brochure
8 Pages
Strain Gages and Accessories
100 Pages