Catalog excerpts

Die Verpackung mithilfe des hpl 300/500 BMS bietet optimalen Schutz vorStaub und Beschâdigung des Verpackungsgutes bei Transport und Lagerung. IMPULSE BAG SEALERS WITH HOLDING MAGNET Packaging with the aid of the hpl 300/500 BMS possesses an optimum protection against dust and damage to the packed goods during transport and storage.
Open the catalog to page 1
300/500 BMS ist die Verwendung jeglicher thermoplastischer Folie zulássig. Die Folienlánge lásst sich an das zu verpacken- de Sterilgut anpassen. DerZuschnitt erfolgt mittels integrierter des Impulssiegelverfahrens sofort einsatzbereit. Die Verwen- dung von Schlauchware spart zusátzlich Kosten. propriate for every type of thermoplastic film. Using the inte- grated cutting facility the film length is adaptable to the sterile good. Due to the impulse sealing process the hpl 300/500 BMS is ready for immediate use—and additionally cost-effective due TECHNISCHE DATEN/TECHNICAL DATA...
Open the catalog to page 2All Hawo catalogs and technical brochures
hm 4000 DC-VI
6 Pages
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2 Pages
Bowie & Dick-Test
2 Pages
ht 150 SCD
4 Pages
hm 750 WST
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hm RS
2 Pages
hm 2010/2015/2020 WST
4 Pages
hm 8000 AS/AS-V SealCut
6 Pages
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2 Pages
hpl ISZ
2 Pages
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8 Pages
hpl 450 TSM
2 Pages
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2 Pages
hp 630 WS
8 Pages
hd 680 DE
4 Pages
hd 680 DEI-V
4 Pages
hd 320 MS
4 Pages
hd 380 WSI-V ValiPak®
2 Pages
hawo viú-2
2 Pages
hm 300 BMS / hm 500 BMS
2 Pages
hm 450 / hm 630 AS-8
2 Pages
hm 460 AS-V / hm 660 AS-V
4 Pages
hm 780 DC-V
6 Pages
hm 850 DC-V / hm 880 DC-V
6 Pages