Charging electrode ALW


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Charging electrode  ALW - 1

tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:5.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:8.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:13.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } HAUG lonization -for the application of electrostatic charges HAUG charging systems HAUG charging Systems are intended for the contact-free application of electrostatic charges. These Systems are used wherever different materials need to be fixed to one another electrostatically. At least one of these materials must be insulating. This electrostatic fixation is intended to support downstream processes such as the film overlap in packaging machines. Applications HAUG charging systems can be used, among others, in the followingapplications: for fixing and positioning of films and foils, paper and cardboard, e.g. on steel sheets, glass panels, wood panels orsimilar; Օ forfixing filmsandfoilsonpackagingmachines/filmwelding machines; forfixingfilmsandfoilsonturretfilmwinders,forfixingthe woundfilmagainsttelescopingandglue-lesscommence-ment of the film winding process on cardboard tubes. ALW Theresistance-coupledcharging electrodeALW By limiting the current using resistors, the generation of hard sparkscanbereliablyprevented, thussignificantlyreducing possible damage to or impairment of electronic machine controls. Thechargingelectrodeisconnectedwithadetachable, shieldedhigh-tensioncableandcanbesuppliedwitharadial oraxialHTconnection. Thebarprofileismanufacturedfrom glassfiberreinforcedplasticwhichisalsosuitableforuseat highertemperatures. AT-slotalongthebackoftheALWallows convenient installation over the whole width of the bar. ApplicationsALW The resistance-coupled charging electrode ALW is recommended,inparticular,forapplicationswithincreasedrisk ofsparkgenerationandconsequentlyofdamagetohigh-grade surfacesorelectroniccomponents. Conceivablescenarios includesituationswherethecounter-electroderequiredfor chargingisnotalwayscoveredcompletelybythematerialtobe charged, e.g. where two-dimensional material webs of varying widtharechargedorwherethereisanuncoveredgapbetween cutorindividualmaterialsonthesubstrateactingascounter- electrode. TechnicaldataALW Types:ALW Cableconnectionaxial Order No.: 08.8790.000 ALW Cableconnectionradial Order No.: 08.8791.000 Barprofile: Glassfiberreinforcedplastic, compactdesign Dimensions: 30 x64 mm Barlength:Minimumlength:80mm Maximumlength:2000mm Lengthintervals:30mm Wereservetherighttotechnicalmodifications! Accessories Singlecable,axialOrderNo.:06.2268.001 Singlecable,radialOrderNo.:06.2269.001 ALW connectionradial Length = specific to order 28 30 HAUG GmbH & Co. KG Germany Friedrich-List-Str. 18 D-70771 Leinf.-Echterdingen Phone:+49711 /9498-0 Telefax:+49711 /9498-298 HAUG Biel AG Switzerland Johann-Renfer-Str. 60 CH-2500 Biel-Bienne 6 ALW connectionaxial _Length = specific to order 95 Phone: +41 32 / 344 96 96 Telefax: +41 32 / 344 96 97 E-mail: V 1.4

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