Catalog excerpts

Isolated Heart Perfusion Systems for mouse to rabbit animal models Refractory Period Contractility Studies ^^HP* Safety Pharmacology Myocyte Harvesting & Isolation W§i£\ HUGO SACHS ELEKTRONIK H A RVA RD ~7 The Physiology Specialists APPARATUS
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ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEMS BY HUGO SACHS ELEKTRONIK – HARVARD APPARATUS Hugo Sachs Elektronik, a Harvard Apparatus company, has always provided top-notch, fully integrated physiology research systems. Continuing our tradition of innovation and high performance we are happy to unveil the newly configured line of Isolated Perfused Heart Systems for rodent and rabbit models. For two decades the Hugo Sachs Elektronik IH-Series of Isolated Heart Systems has been the gold standard for cardiac physiology measurements in both Langendorff and Working Heart...
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The IH-Series Ex Vivo Perfused Heart Systems always start as a Langendorff system. This means a configuration solely for retrograde perfusion down the aorta (toward the heart). In this mode, the aortic valve prevents the perfusate (nutrient solution) from entering the left ventricle, but the coronary arteries are perfused via the coronary ostia which are located just outside the valve, thus maintaining the viability of the heart muscle. Perfusate drains as effluate from the coronary circulation via the coronary sinus and pulmonary artery tends to drip from the apex of the heart making it...
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ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM Langendorff System Data Acquisition System Isovolumetric Left Ventricular Pressure (LVP) Bridge Amplifier Pressure Transducer Nutrient Solution Perfusion Flow Flow Probe Perfusion Pressure Bridge Amplifier Pressure Transducer Electrogram Lead II (ECG, up to 12 Lead) Dissolved Carbon Dioxide (pCO2) Biopotential Amplifier Monophasic Action Potential (MAP, up to 8) Online Calculated Parameters: • dP/dt Max, Min • Systolic, Diastolic LVP • ECG Analysis • MAP Analysis • Heart Rate • Contractility Index, Tau • End Systolic & Diastolic Flows • Coronary Resistance •...
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Pressure Transducer Bridge Amplifier Flow Probe Data Acquisition System Preload Pressure Atrial Flow Bridge Amplifier Flow Probe MPVS or Bridge Amplifier Left Ventricular Pressure (LVP) or Pressure Volume (LVP-PV) Electrogram Lead II (up to 12 Lead) Pressure Transducer ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM Working Heart Nutrient Solution Aortic Pressure Aortic Flow Monophasic Action Potential (MAP, up to 8) Biopotential Amplifier Dissolved Carbon Dioxide (pCO2) Online Calculated Parameters: • dP/dt Max, Min • Systolic, End Diastolic LVP • PV Parameters • ECG Analysis • MAP Analysis •...
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ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM Langendorff Systems UP-100IH BASIC LANGENDORFF The UP-100IH Basic Langendorff perfusion system is primarily for rat, guinea pig, and juvenile rabbit heart, though it can be used for mouse heart as well. It has a small footprint, making it ideal for multi-channel compound screening that can incorporate measurement of basic cardiac parameters such as LVP and ECG. SEE PAGES 8-13 IH-SR LANGENDORFF The IH-SR Isolated Heart for Small Rodents, Langendorff Only, is designed to be used for rodent models mouse, rat, and guinea pig exclusively in the Langendorff...
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IH-SR WORKING HEART SYSTEM The Working Heart model is the ultimate ex vivo physiological model. The IH-SR Working Heart allows the researcher to take full advantage of this model with physiological simulation that cannot be matched in small rodent preparations. With the built-in patented Physiological Afterload System (Starling resistor), the need for the conventional water column is eliminated. The result is vastly improved arterial pressure evaluation without the risk of damage to heart valves. SEE PAGES 36-41 ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM Working Heart Systems IH-5 WORKING HEART SYSTEM...
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UP-100IH Universal Perfusion System PERFUSION PATH • Compliance Chamber for Pressure Pulse Dampening of Peristaltic Pump • Primary and Secondary Bubble Traps Protect Against Embolism, Ensure Vascular Integrity • System Volume is <20 ml, Reducing Temperature Loss and Mixing of Test Compounds HEART CHAMBER • Small Heart Chamber For Temperature Maintenance • Precision Ball-Joint System for Secure Positioning of Electrodes • Perfusion Pressure Measurement Proximal to Aorta ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM FEATURES: • Most Compact Langendorff Design • Versatile...
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ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM UP-100IH: Most Popular System for Multi-Channel Compound Screening The UP-100IH Advanced system allows up to the full range of available measured parameters beyond the basic system including direct coronary flow, ECG lead II, temperature measurement, and metabolic parameters (pH, pO2, pCO2). All UP-100IH systems can be used for constant pressure or constant flow perfusion of isolated hearts of mice, guinea pigs, rats and newborn rabbits as long as the coronary flow is below 50 ml/min. Constant pressure perfusion is achieved by the optional addition of a...
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UP-100IH Core System, Basic: 73-4384 (115V) or 73-4385 (230V) UP-100IH Core System, Advanced: 73-4386 (115V) or 73-4387 (230V) Includes: • UP-100 Base Unit • Heart Chamber and Holder to UP-100 System PLUGSYS Modular Amplifier System • UP-100 Addition for Langendorff (with cannulae for rat/guinea pig) • Thermocirculator • Analog Roller Pump ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM • Compliance Chamber (Windkessel) • Perfusion Pressure Measurements ° Pressure Transducer ° TAM-D PLUGSYS Transducer Amplifier Module • PLUGSYS Basic System Case (Core System 6 Slot Units) - UP-100IH Basic: PLUGSYS 601...
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ISOLATED HEART PERFUSION SYSTEM UP-100IH: Options SCP 73-2806 Constant Pressure/Flow Controller Choose this option if you require the ability to perfuse a heart in constant pressure mode: • Allows operation in constant pressure or constant flow with simple switch • Additional measured signal/calculated parameters ° Indirect Coronary Flow measurement ° Calculation of Coronary Resistance • Accurate control of perfusion pressure or flow, even at very low flow rates • Flexible perfusion circuit setup adjusts to suit individual perfusion conditions Fiber Oxygenator mounted to top plate of IH-SR...
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