HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612
1 / 230Pages

Catalog excerpts

HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 3

HARTING e Cat alogue The HARTING eCatalogue is an electronic catalogue with a part configuration and 3D components library. Here you can choose a connector ­ ccording to your a requirements. Afterwards you are able to send your inquiry directly to a HARTING sales partner. The drawings to every single part are available in PDF-format. The parts are downloadable in 2D-format (DXF) and 3D-format (IGES, STEP). The 3D-models can be viewed with a VRML-viewer. Product selection Product configuration Product overview Product combination Product samples: Fast-track delivery to your desk, free of...

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HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 4

HARTING worldwide Transforming customer wishes into concrete solutions The HARTING Technology Group is skilled in the fields of electrical, electronic and optical connection, transmission and networking, as well as in manufacturing, mechatronics and software creation. The Group uses these skills to develop customized solutions and products such as connectors for energy and data transmission applications including, for example, mechanical engineering, rail technology, wind energy plants, factory automation and the telecommunications sector. In addition, HARTING also produces electro-magnetic...

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HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 5

HARTING Subsidiary company HARTING Representatives Our people on location form the interface to the centrally Connectors ensure functionality. As core elements coordinated development and production departments. In this way, our customers can rely on consistently high, superior product quality – worldwide. enabling the modular construction of devices, machines and systems across a very wide range of industrial Our claim: Pushing Performance. guaranteeing smooth functioning in the manufacturing components. In order to serve our customers with the best area, in telecommunications,...

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HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 6

HARTING worldwide HARTING technology creates added value for customers. or ultrahigh frequency applications that are finding use Technologies by HARTING are at work worldwide. in telecommunications or automation networks, in the H ARTING ’s presence stands for smoothly functioning ­ automotive industry, or in industrial sensor and actuator systems, powered by intelligent connectors, smart applications, RFID and wireless technologies, in addition infrastructure solutions and mature network systems. In to packaging and housing made of plastics, aluminum or the course of many years of close,...

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HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 7

HARTING knowledge is practical know-how generating synergy effects. HARTING The key focus is on applications in every solution approach. In this context, uncompromising, superior quality is our hallmark. Every new solution found will regard to the applications conditions of connectors in invariably flow back into the HARTING technology pool, telecommunications, computer and network technologies thereby enriching our resources. And every new solution and medical technologies, as well as industrial automation we go on to create will draw on this wealth of resources in technologies, such as...

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HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 8

News in this Catalogue Fixing brackets for full metal housings D20 Nowadays, many PCBs are smaller than the standard size 3HE. HARTING offers a new crimp connector with housing in order to assemble cables that require less space. The new metallized fixing brackets give a robust mechanical connection with reliable screws and additionally through our new screwless locking solution. Moreover a good electrical connection is guaranteed between the full metal housings D20, the fixing brackets and the rack systems. The well-known and reliable BC crimp contacts are used for this product. For...

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HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 10

Printed Board Connectors from HARTING Economic and Reliable Connections Connector system for use in 19” racks to DIN 41 494 (replaced by DIN EN 60297-3). The advantages •  ndirect mating (male/female) I •  utomated production processes A •  ontinuous quality assurance C •  umerous interface connectors N •  omplete interconnection system C •  wide variety of hoods A •  any termination technologies provide M for the lowest installed cost Developed for economical assembly of electronic plant and equipment. HARTING offers the most ­ omprehensive range of highly c versatile connectors...

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HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 11

Creepage and clearance distances, CTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specifications, assembly instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Male and female connectors with pcb fixings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coding systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General information Printed Board Connectors – general information

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HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 12

Creepage and clearance distances, CTI Clearance This standard is a technical adaptation of IEC Report 664/664A and specifies, in general, the minimum insulation distances for equipment. It can be used by committees to protect persons and property in the best possible way from the effects of electrical voltages or currents (e.g. fire hazard) or from functional failure of the equipment by pro­ viding adequate dimensioning of clearances and creepage distances in equipment. General information The clearance is defined as shortest distance through the air between two conductive elements. Rated...

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HARTING Connectors DIN 41 612 - 13

Creepage and clearance distances, CTI Rated impulse withstand voltages in kV for installation category Voltages phase-to-earth derived from rated system voltages (Voltage form: 1.2/50 µs according to DIN IEC 60 060-1) up to Ur.m.s. and U– I II III IV   50 0.33 0.50 0.80 1.5   100 0.50 0.80 1.5 2.5  150 0.80 1.5 2.5 4.0  300 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0  600 2.5 4.0 6.0 8.0 1000 4.0 6.0 8.0 12.0 Installation ­category Isolation group Rated voltage Nominal voltage of supply system General information Exemplary calculation What voltage can be used, if the creepage, the installation category and the degree...

Open the catalog to page 13

All HARTING catalogs and technical brochures

  1. STAF 6 STI-L

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  2. livebook

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  3. HIS Catalogue

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  4. HIS Flyer

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Archived catalogs

  1. TCA Connectors

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