EX-III Series


Catalog excerpts

EX-III Series - 1

New Sprue Picker EXD1-60/EXFI-60/EX DE -150/EXFI-150 MOEXl/V-X&MKVersion UP! Proven EX sries robots now renewed. M IMM size 150ton nmnEXviJ-XifMMersion Up! »2TI»P-^>/^^WIMiW*UWI 镕ffS!=l>hn-7HRS-12SJSK % Proven EX sries robots now renewed. Redeslgned with conventlonal user frlendllness. 镕Compact valves have air tubes easlly arranged. Standard 2nd slow down valve provides soft landing. New compact grlp can hold a thln sprue securely. New controller HRS-12 Is provlded.

Open the catalog to page 1
EX-III Series - 2

-n.-*4yW?Utht New Sprue Picker EX(F)lII SERIES mimmkimm size 20~150ton WRttsM(mm) Dimensions Controller HRS-12 244 .53 720t600) Eft p~ min50-max390 jipjg (min50-max270) max140 swing eylinder hkft* 50 -90* oe/s) angola 50'to 90' (euher lide) mmx^y(Dm^^yyoy^-\-nm^05^mm(.B^ iX=EU}W7yym&L>*a ?-*?l*EEPR0rVrC-3». *7K-h,7J3SftfK4'H^-«i»ﯴt3-&7S*-3-. ca^iD (Compact hand-held controller Iasy-to-see display with icons common to languages Five languages supported (Japanese. English, Chinese. Korean, and Thai) IEEPROM without neoessity of memory backup battery IFifty mold memories HJser-pragramming...

Open the catalog to page 2

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Archived catalogs

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  2. STR-V01

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  3. STH-V01

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  4. STP-V01

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