EX(F) III series
1 / 2Pages

Catalog excerpts

EX(F) III series - 1

Proven EX series robots now renewed. •Proven EX series robots now renewed. •Redesigned with conventional user friendliness. •Compact valves have air tubes easily arranged. •Standard 2nd slow down valve provides soft landing. •New compact grip can hold a thin sprue securely.

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EX(F) III series - 2

-3.-Z4>W7n$yt. New Sprue Picker EX(F)lII SERIES Swing cylinder (either tide) Compact hand-held controller Easy-to-see display with icons common to languages Five languages supported {Japanese. English, Chinese. Korean. EEPROM without necessity of memory backup battery •Fifty mold memories User-programming (standard, max. 21 steps) 58 Air consumption is based on standard version robot. •Read the instruction manual carefully before using the robot *As stipulated in the ordinance of The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, employers who use industrial robots must install a fence or enclosure...

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Archived catalogs

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