Gas sensor
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Gas sensor - 1

9 r Henan Hanwei Electronics Co.,Ltd

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Gas sensor - 2

^ Page 02 Safety Green Օ Health Safety Green Օ Health Page 03 ^ About Hanwei Directory 02 About Hanwei 03 Directory 04-07 Semiconductor gas sensor 08 Fiat Surfaced Gas Sensor 09-10 Catalytic gas sensor 11-13 Electrochemical gas sensor 14 Infraredgas sensor 15-17 NDIR Gas sensor and module 18-21 Gas Sensor Module Sries 22 Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor 23 SolidElectrolyte and Thermal Conductor Gas Se n sors Hanwei(ISO9001:2008) with approx 600 employes is a Hi-tech enter prise sp驩cialized in developing, manufacturing and selling ofgas se n sors and gas detecting instruments. Since 1998...

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Page 04 Safety Green Օ Health Safety Green Օ Health Page 05 Semiconductor Gas Sensor MQ sries gas sensor s sensitized material is mtal oxide with very high activity, usually SN02. When MOSis heated to definite temp驩rature in air, oxygen atom is adsorbed on the surface of semiconductorcarried ngative electric charge, the lectron on the surface of semiconductor shall be transfer to adsorbed oxygen, and oxygen atom is changed to oxygen n驩gative ion, at the same time, form a plus space charge on the semiconductor s surface, and resuit in potentialbarrier rised, thereby block lectron flow (as...

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Gas sensor - 4

table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:4.00pt "Sylfaen", serif; } .font1 { font:4.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:5.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:6.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:7.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:8.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:9.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:10.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } .font8 { font:13.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } Page 06 Safety Green Օ Health Safety Green Օ Health Page 07 Spcification: Combustible Gas Sensors Model MQ-2 MQ-4 MQ-5...

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^ Page 08 Safety Green Օ Health Safety Green Օ Health Page 09 Fiat Surfaced Gas Sensor Catalytic gas sensor Principle: Fiat surfaced sensor is used for flammable gas dtection, which adopts advanced flat production technology. The heater and mtal oxide semiconductor material on the ceramic substrate of subminiature AI203 are fetched out by 驩lectrode down-lead, encapsulated in mtal socket and cap. When the target gas exists, the higher the concentration of target gas in the air, the higher conductivity of sensor is. Use simple electro circuit to convert the variation of conductivity to output...

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Gas sensor - 7

Page 12 Safety Green Օ Health Safety Green Օ Health Page 13 ^ Electrochemical Gas Sensor Model ME2-CO ME3-CO ME4-CO Dtection Range 0-1000ppm 0-1000ppm 0-1000ppm Sensitivity (uA) 2-5 11.6-16 14-22 Zro point (uA) -0.03-0.03 -0.4-0.4 -0.4-0.4 Resolution 0.5ppm 0.5ppm 0.5ppm Response time ( T90 ) <30S <30S <30S R驩sume time(T90) <60S <60S <60S Loading Resistance(KQ) 0.2 ___ ___ Temprature range - 20°C50°C - 20°C闗50°C - 20°C50°C Humidity range 15%ח90%RH Pressure range Normal atmosphre! 1C Expected Using ge (month) 5 years 3 years in air 3 years in air Utmost d袩tection concentration 2000 2000 2000...

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Page 14 Safety Green Օ Health Safety Green Օ Health Page 15 ^ Infrared gas sensor NDIR Gas sensor and module Optic gas sensor taking the infrared absorption principle as reprsentative is a very important branch of gas sensor, and is one of outstanding gas sensing technology. Diffrent gas consisting of heterocaryotic mol驩cule has diffrent infrared signature absorption peak, the gas type and concentration can be detected through detecting and analysis the location and intensity change of the infrared absorption peak. As the infrared optics class gas sensor structure is complex and the...

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^ Page 16 Safety Green Օ Health Safety Green Օ Health Page 17 ^ NDIR Gas sensor and module

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^ Page 18 Safety Green Օ Health Safety Green Օ Health Page 19 ^ Gas Sensor Module Sries M413 Module M405 Module M408 Module M410 Module M413 Target Gas CO Target Gas Natural gas, LPG, Artificial coal gas Target Gas CO Target Gas CO Dtection Range 0-1000ppm D驩tection Range 1-25% LEL Dtection Range 50-400ppm Dtection Range 1~ 25%LEL Type of sensor Electrochemical Type of sensor Semiconductor Type of sensor Electrochemical Type of sensor Semiconductor Response time Response time <20s Response time Response time <30s R驩sume time Rsume time <50s Rsume time R驩sume time <50s Working Voltage:...

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Page 22 Safety Green Օ Health Safety Green Օ Health Page 23 ^ Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor Pyroelectric infrared sensor detects the infrared radiation by using the temperature-dependent feature. It suppresses the interfrence caused by temprature change adopting the method of two sensitive 驩lments complementary which improves the stability of the sensor. The sensors can be widely used in safety device, burglar alarm, automatic door, automatic lighting, intelligent toys, etc. Features * High sensitivity and excellent signal to noise ratio * High temperature-dependent stability * Strong...

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