AT8020 Fuel Cell Alcohol Tester
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AT8020 Fuel Cell Alcohol Tester - 1

STRUCTURES 1. Mouthpiece 4. LCD screen 3. Indication 6. Battery cover SPECIFICATIONSAT8020 Fuel Cell BreathalyzerFEATURES • Fuel cell sensor-accuracy and reliance • Adjustable alarming threshold • Testing records (maximum 10) review • Switchable result units(mg/l, g/l, %BAC, %>BAC) • Anti-backflow mouthpiece for health and safety APPLICATION Car, home, workshop, office, etc. Remark ® : This battery icon will flash if it’s lack of battery, please change new batteries. If the battery capacity is too low, the tester will be not turn on normally. Sensor Type Welcome to Hanwei ! TEL: 86-371-67169070/80 FAX: 86-371-67169090 E-mail: Hanwei Hanwei Electronics Group Corporation ADD: No. 169 Xuesong Road.National&HighTech Zone, Zhengzhou 450001,Henan,China P.C: 450001

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