Catalog excerpts
XftlWK (Operating Conditions) Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other moderately corrosive fluids. »»gp»tt(Spring and Metal Parts): F,G Iftra^akSeat Types) Applications:Clean wage water,oil and other moderately corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 15$3f a^#(Spring and Metal Parts): F.G Applications:Clean water, sewage water.oil and other moderately corrosive fluids. Iffc#Hfc(Operating Conditions) Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other moderately corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 23$3f S^^#(Spring and Metal Parts): F.G ^M^UISKSeat Types) Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other moderately corrosive fluids. • Iffc^SStfOperating Conditions) • tSfli£'!fSS!<Seat Types) Applications:Ciean water.sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 33$3f S^^#(Spring and Metal Parts): F.G HHSRJS^HiaE(Seat Types) Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 4IfE#$£(Operating Conditions) Applications:Clean water, sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids. Iffc#Hfc(Operating Conditions) (Pressure): ssl.OMPa WSXSSfltKSpring and Metal Parts): F,G HJ^S^SKSeat Types) Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 5H£#$J[(Operating Conditions) j§£(Speed): sslOm/s :fc^S8ii£I£(Stationary Ring on Atmosphere side): V1 S&If (Rotary Ring on Atmosphere side): B &ff&£tiltt(Spring and Metal Parts): F Applications:Clean water.sewage waterfoil and finer weakly corrosive fluids. Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 6»»ftilffir#(Spiing and Metal Parts): F.G HHSRJS^HiaE(Seat Types) Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 7AppIications:CIean water,sewage water,oil and other weakly corrosive fluids. X{£#$[(Operating Conditions) MHM^HaKSeat Types) Applications:Clean water.
Open the catalog to page 8fN$(Stationary Ring) Applications:Clean water. Iffc#Hfc(Operating Conditions) HJ^S^SKSeat Types) Applications:Clean wage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 9X{^#£&(Operating Conditions) Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids. Xf£$j&(Operating Conditions) 3$* X&PftffKSprhg and Metal Parts): F Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids. X{£#$E(Operaiing Conditions) &££*&ttft-(Spring and Metal Parts) S^il^SKSeat Types) Applications: Strong corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 10X{^#£&(Operating Conditions) Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids. Xf£$j&(Operating Conditions) 3$* X&PftffKSprhg and Metal Parts): F Applications:Clean water.sewage water.oil and other weakly corrosive fluids. X{£#$E(Operaiing Conditions) &££*&ttft-(Spring and Metal Parts) S^il^SKSeat Types) Applications: Strong corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 11(Pressure): ssO.SMPa Applications: Strong corrosive fluids. • If£#Hft(Operating Conditions) »HXSrt*fKSpring and Metal Parts): F,G • IB^S^SKSeat Types) Applications: Strong corrosive fluids.
Open the catalog to page 12H;fr(Pressure): ssl.OMPa &g&gi#J#(Spring and Metal Parts): F,G • ^i!^|i|^(Seat Types) Applications:Clean water,sewage water,oil and other weakly corrosive fluids.
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