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MACHINERY FOR AUTOMATED CARPET AND TEXTILE FINISHING MACHINERY FOR AUTOMATED CARPET AND TEXTILE FINISHING MACHINERY FOR AUTOMATED CARPET AND TEXTILE FINISHING MACHINERY FOR AUTOMATED CARPET AND TEXTILE FINISHING AUTOMATION OF AUTOMATION OF TECHNICAL TEXTILE FINISHING TECHNICAL TEXTILE FINISHING Geo textiles Geo textiles Geo textiles Geo textiles Agro textiles Agro textiles Agro textiles Agro textiles Home textiles Home textiles Home textiles Home textiles Handsaeme Machinery (Belgium) is specialized in customized machinery for the carpet and technical industry. Machinery (Belgium) specialized customized machinery for the carpet to technical textileHandsaemeMachinery(Belgium) is isspecializedin incustomizedmachinery for the carpet and technical HandsaemeMachinery manufacture and install automated finishing and for the carpet and cut, Handsaeme We develop, (Belgium) isspecialized incustomized machinery processing linesandtechnical fold,textile industry.(un)roll, pack and staple agroandinstall automatedand home and processing lines totocut, inspect,industry.We develop, manufacture and install automatedfinishing textiles. textile weld, We develop, manufacture textiles, geoautomatedfinishing and processing lines tocut, finishing and processing lines cut, textile industry. We develop, manufacture and install textiles fold, inspect, weld, (un)roll, pack and staple agro textiles, geo textiles and home textiles. fold, inspect, weld, (un)roll, pack and staple agro textiles, geo textiles and home textiles. fold, inspect, weld, (un)roll, pack and staple agro textiles, geo textiles and home textiles. We ensure our machines can be optimally deployed so one machine can be used for different purposes. We are passionate machines canautomated and deployedsoone machine can be usedproduction and purposes. We ensure our machines can be optimally deployed We ensure our about giving be optimally deployed sosoone machine can be usedfor different purposes. We ensure our machines can be optimally customized solutions and can beon for different purposes. one machine focus used for different cost efficiency, arepassionateaboutsavings.automated and customized solutions and focus on production and cost We are passionate aboutgiving automated and customized solutions and focus on production and cost giving We are passionate aboutgiving automated and customized solutions and focus on production and cost We safety and energy efficiency,safety and energy savings. safety and energy savings. efficiency, safety and energy savings. efficiency, CUTTING - FOLDING - INSPECTING - WELDING CUTTING - FOLDING - INSPECTING - WELDING CUTTING - FOLDING - INSPECTING - WELDING CUTTING - FOLDING - INSPECTING - WELDING (UN)ROLLING - PACKING - STACKING - TRANSPORT (UN)ROLLING - PACKING - STACKING - TRANSPORT (UN)ROLLING - PACKING - STACKING - TRANSPORT (UN)ROLLING - PACKING - STACKING - TRANSPORT www.handsaeme.be www.handsaeme.be www.handsaeme.be www.handsaeme.be www.handsaeme.be

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REFERENCE PROJECTS Cutting, packaging and palletizing line for woven agro textiles // æ Makes “store-ready” rolls of polypropylene woven textile æ Ultrasonic cutting heads for fast and neat cutting æ Rolled with pressure roll around cardboard tubes to create hard rolled end rolls æ Automatic cardboard tube dispenser that also cuts the tubes on length æ Possibility to insert folder æ Two rolls at the same time can be packed considering max width of the plastic æ A flat seal on the sides in combination with a longitudinal tape guarantees waterproof packed rolls æ Automatic strapping and...

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