Catalog excerpts
Lugsula�on® - Fully Insulated Connec�on Technology for battery cells, single cells and monobloc batteries with female thread Patented, perfectly fitting full insulation for battery connections protection against contact and corrosion safe retrofitting self-installation on site by warranty through HSYScomponents use your cables from 10 mm² up to 95 mm² reducing maintenance- and follow-up costs Ba�ery cell with fully insulated cable lug connec�on The patent registered cable lug insulator LUGSULATION® is sealing different cable cross sec�ons against water and acid Applica�on: quick repair, shortening of MRC charging connectors on site Weitergabe, sowie Vervielfältigung dieses Dokumentes, Verwertung und Mitteilung seines Inhaltes an Dritte sind verboten, soweit nicht ausdrücklich gestattet. Zuwiderhandlungen 90 70 • • Tel.: +49 (0) 202 / 94 60verpflichten zu Schadensersatz. Alle Rechte für den Fall der Patent-, Gebrauchsmuster-, oder Geschmacksmustereintragung vorbehalten.
Open the catalog to page 1Lugsula�on® - Fully Insulated Connec�on Technology Our innova�ve, patented and fully insulated termina�on technology LUGSULATION® is offering to you: protec�on against contact and corrosion: shield against contact and aggressive substances lip seal protects the complete connec�on safely conical cable bushing seals gradually complete covering against corrosion, arcing and kreeping currents dust and weatherproof protec�on as per IP 65 IP 66 or higher can be achieved with 2K-glue or through grease-fi lling increase of security and conserva�on of conduc�vity igni�on risk of...
Open the catalog to page 2All Hagemann Systems GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
Battery Technology
110 Pages
Battery terminals
1 Pages
HSYS Cable Lugs
1 Pages