Catalog excerpts
HIGH VOLTAGE TEST Tank Type Transformers Tank type test transformer 750 kV, 2100 kVA
Open the catalog to page 1$SSOLFDWLRQ Conventional AC test transformers are especially designed for testing objects of medium capacitance in the factory, indoor or outdoor. These systems are particularly suited for tests requiring stable voltage even if the load changes under voltage (heavy corona, wet & pollution tests) or when the load is of inductive kind (inductive voltage transformers). The system duty cycle can be freely chosen and is insured by adding radiators or forced oil-cooling to the transformers. These systems are also suited for continuous duty, long duration tests. Indoor or outdoor designs with...
Open the catalog to page 3%ORFNGLDJUDP RI D W\SLFDO WUDQVIRUPHU WHVW V\VWHP RSWLRQV DOVR VKRZQ Damping resistor Regulating transformer Power line filter Compensating reactor Control cables Coupling capacitor HV divider / filter Standard capacitor Partial discharge detector Capacitance and tan delta bridge Test object Power connections Measuring cables Control unit 6\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ The test system includes following main components: • • • • • • • Regulating transformer Power line filter Compensating reactor Test transformer Coupling capacitor Control system OT 247 HV and grounding connections between HV elements....
Open the catalog to page 4)XQFWLRQ RI WKH WHVW V\VWHP The conventional tank type test transformers type PK steps up the voltage coming from the regulating transformer type STL (air insulated) or STO (oil insulated). The controls act on the regulating transformer to adjust precisely the input voltage of the transformer and thus the test voltage. A compensating reactor type KDL is connected between the regulating and the test transformers and compensates the capacitive power required for the test object. This way, the regulating transformer and the power line filter ratings can be kept small. It reduces also the power...
Open the catalog to page 56WDQGDUG DPELHQW FRQGLWLRQV IRU WKH $& WHVW HTXLSPHQW Height above sea level Relative humidity in main hall under non condensing conditions non condensing - Temperature averaged over 24 h for H.V. components - Extreme temperatures for H.V. components - Temperature for electronic controls and measuring (equipment to operate with the specified measuring errors) For outdoor or pollution tests, special bushings having the required creeping distance are used, allowing higher relative humidity levels. (OHFWULFDO OLQH GLDJUDP RI D W\SLFDO WUDQVIRUPHU WHVW V\VWHP To test object Damping Resistor...
Open the catalog to page 6'HVFULSWLRQ RI WKH WHVW V\VWHP FRPSRQHQWV 5HJXODWLQJ WUDQVIRUPHU W\SH 67/ DQG 672 'HVFULSWLRQ The regulating transformer adjust the input voltage of the test transformer practically without steps. The unit is for indoor operation. The active part is air insulated (type STL) or oil insulated (type STO) and built into a cubicle or tank. The primary winding is galvanically separated from the secondary winding. The driving motor allows a slow and a fast regulating speed (40-240 s from 0-100 % of the voltage). The primary breaker and secondary contactor are placed in the regulator cabinet. The...
Open the catalog to page 73RZHU OLQH ILOWHUV W\SH 1/)$ 'HVFULSWLRQ For the reduction of line carried noise from the mains. The power line filter filters both phase and is connected to ground. The filter is either built into the cubicle of air insulated regulating transformers. Special arrangements are possible for big systems depending of local installation conditions. Their power rating is adapted to regulating transformer rated power. Typical insertion loss per phase measured at 50 Ω / 50 Ω, MIL-STD 220 A in the following frequency range of &RPSHQVDWLQJ UHDFWRU W\SH .'/ 'HVFULSWLRQ For the compensation of the...
Open the catalog to page 8/RZ YROWDJH SURWHFWLRQ GHYLFH W\SH 163 'HVFULSWLRQ To prevent inadmissible high recovery over-voltages on the test transformer in case of disruptive discharges on the test object. The low voltage protection device NSP acts by opening the power supply and by short-circuiting of the test transformer within a few hundred microseconds. This avoids repetitive flash-overs in the test object. Regulating transformer STL/STO Opening switch for disconnecting the power supply Closing switch for short-circuiting the primary winding $& WHVW WUDQVIRUPHU W\SH 3. 'HVFULSWLRQ Test transformers are used for...
Open the catalog to page 9+LJKYROWDJH ZLQGLQJ The neutral end of the high-voltage winding is brought out insulated. The high-voltage end is connected to the transformer bushing. 2YHU YROWDJH SURWHFWLRQ Surge arresters are installed in parallel with the primary and the coupling winding to protect the transformer against over voltages in the case of flashovers. Moreover, surge arresters are installed between the primary winding and ground and between the coupling winding and ground. 'LHOHFWULF The dielectric consists of paper, transformer board and mineral oil. The complete test transformer is dried under high vacuum...
Open the catalog to page 10'LPHQVLRQV DQG ZHLJKWV VRPH H[DPSOHV RQO\ Other voltages, current or duty cycles are possible upon request ! Dimensions are given with HV bushing installed. ([DPSOH RI D N9 ¶ N9$ V\VWHP ZLWK 6) EXV FRPSULVLQJ GDPSLQJ UHVLVWRU FRXSOLQJ FDSDFLWRU 6) DLU EXVKLQJ
Open the catalog to page 129ROWDJH GLYLGHU FRXSOLQJ FDSDFLWRU +9 ILOWHU The coupling capacitors of the series KK or TK (and 9230) consist of 1 or more modular units, built into glass fibre reinforced epoxy tubes. Their applications are: • Partial discharge measurements with an optional coupling quadripole. • Measuring AC voltages in the industrial frequency range. • Attenuating interferences coming from the HV side (together with a HV inductance) 7HFKQLFDO GDWD RI .. VHULHV 6SHFLDO +9 ILOWHU LQGXFWDQFH FRQILJXUDWLRQ +LJK YROWDJH ILOWHU IRU .. VHULHV RSWLRQ By adding an inductance to the coupling capacitor, they form...
Open the catalog to page 13&RQWUROV W\SH 27 'HVFULSWLRQ The Operating Terminal OT 247 provides a safe and easy computer aided operation of transformer-type AC high voltage test systems. The unit is built into a standard 19" desktop housing. It has a high electromagnetic compatibility and does not need additional screening. Due to the built-in safety interlocks the operator can fully concentrate on the test object. As an option, the more sophisticated OT 257 can be offered. 6RIWZDUH The program allows the following operations: • • • • • Switching On/Off of the primary circuit breaker Switching On/Off of the contactor...
Open the catalog to page 14All Haefely AG catalogs and technical brochures
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