Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1Compact Immunity Test System 3 AC/DC Dips and Interrupts 19 Subject to technical modifications without notice.
Open the catalog to page 2The AXOS is a compact immunity test system that performs all the most commonly used transient immunity tests including Surge, EFT/Burst, AC/DC Dips and Interrupts as well as AC/Surge Magnetic Field. Full compliance and pre-compliance tests are performed to meet the requirements of a wide variety of transient immunity standards, including IEC 61000-4-x “CE Mark” basic standards, IEC 60601 for medical equipment and many other IEC, ANSI, ITU, UL and specific product standards. For more details please also visit Features Simplicity The simplified user interface can be fully...
Open the catalog to page 3Electrostatic Discharge(ESD) The brand new ONYX ESD simulators by HAEFELY EMC have been specially designed to meet all latest international standards, including IEC61000-4-2 edition 2, and are the most ergonomic battery and AC power operated 30kV guns on the market. 16kV and 30kV models available, along with a complete range of accessories that ensure a complete ESD test setup (verification equipment, test tables, coupling planes etc). Have a closer look at the features of the latest ESD gun on the market at: Features: 16kV and 30kV models Touch screen operation Modular...
Open the catalog to page 4ONYX 16 16k V E lec tr o St a tic D i s c har g e S im ul a tor 16kV Air & Contact discharge 150pF/330Ω standard discharge net work Exchangeabl e RC m odules to m eet various standard requirements (IEC, ISO, ANSI, MIL…) Ergonomic design and operation (touch screen) Rechargeable battery or mains operated Smart key functions Autom atic polarity switching Remote trigger Self-test function Includes: Light rigid carrying case, contact and air discharge tips, m ains supply, 2xrechargeable battery pack with charger ONYX 30 30k V E lec tr o St a tic D i s c har g e S im ul a tor 30kV Air & Contact...
Open the catalog to page 5Bursts or EFTs (electrical fast transients) are caused by operation of electro-mechanical switches, motors and distribution switch-gear connected to the power distribution network. A typical burst consists of a large number of recurring impulses at high frequency for a short time period. rise time -Impulse duration- spike frequency (-burst duration-* -burst period-) All our EFT/Burst generators are 100% compliant to the latest standards, including IEC/EN 61000-4- 4 edition 2, which is mandatory from October 2007. Distinctive features Depending on the actual testing requirements, we offer...
Open the catalog to page 6AXOS EFT/Burst Test System 5k V EF T / B ur s t T es t S ys tem Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 edition 1 and 2 and upcoming edition 3, ANSI/IEEE C62.41/45 and C37.90.1 Impulse voltage up to 5kV Frequency range from 1Hz to 1MHz Output impedance 50 Ohms Normal (IEC), random, continuous and real burst mode Integrated automated single-phase CDN for AC and DC up to 16A Burst parameters editable during testing PEFT 8010 7. 3k V B ur s t T es t S ys t em Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 edition 1 and 2 as well as to ANSI/IEEE C62.41/45 and C37.90.1 Impulse voltage up to 7.3kV Frequency...
Open the catalog to page 7IP4A Ca p ac i t i ve C o u pl i n g C l am p f or s up er p os i t io n of B ur s t s o n D at a L in es Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Edition 1 & 2 and ANSI C37.90.1 4 0 m m m a xi m u m c a b l e s i z e Up to 8kV impulse voltage Handy carrying handle EFT Verification Set W avef orm v er if ic at i on s et Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-4 edition 1 and edition 2 For verification/calibration of EFT generators (PEFT.1, PEFT JUNIOR, PEFT 4010, E C O M P A C T 4 , A XO S 5 E F T / B u r s t ) Combined 50 Ω load, 54 dB attenuator Combined 1 kΩ load, 60 dB attenuator Required cables...
Open the catalog to page 8Surge - transient / lightning Stand-alone, compact and modular Surge impulse generators are available up to 30kV, which cover a range of EMC surge tests including the classical IEC defined "Combination Wave" 1.2/50 & 8/20, "Hybrid waves" defined for telecommunications testing, 10/700, ring wave, damped oscillating wave, magnetic field, and many more. Typical standard applications include IEC, EN and ANSI for power line testing, FCC, ITU and ETSI for telecom testing. Our famous modular Surge Platform can also be used for product safety testing to UL standards and also ITE requirements. A...
Open the catalog to page 9AXOS Surge Test System 5k V S ur g e T es t S ys t e m Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Ed. 1 & 2 and upcoming IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Ed. 3 Impulse voltage up to 5.0kV, 1.2/50 µs Impulse current up to 2.5kA, 8/20 µs Positive, negative and alternating polarity Phase angle synchronisation Impulse voltage & current monitors Ramp functions 7” 24 bit touch-screen Integrated 16 A single-phase CDN for AC and DC PS 1500 15k V Vo l ta g e S ur ge G en er at or Built according to IEC/EN 60065,IEC/EN 60950-1 and UL 1414 Impulse voltage up to 15kV Up to 24 discharges per minute Positive and Negative...
Open the catalog to page 10PSURGE 30.2 30k V Sur g e T es t S ys t em Built according to IEC/EN61000-4-5, IEC/EN 61010, IEC/EN 61643-1 and ANSI C62.41/45 Impulse voltage up to 30kV (combination wave) Impulse current up to 30kA (8/20 µs) Combination wave (1.2/50 µs & 8/20 µs) 8/20 µs, 10/350 µs, 10/1000 µs current pulse Impulse voltage & current measurement A u t o m a t i c p o l a r i t y s wi t c h i n g Integrated test cabinet FP-SURGE 3010 S in g l e- Ph as e Co u p li n g /D ec o u p li n g Ne t wor k f or S ur ge T es ti n g u p to 30k V / 1 5k A Built according to ANSI C62.41/45 Single-phase EUT powering EUT...
Open the catalog to page 11PSURGE 8000 Co ntr o l l er f or SU RG E P la tf or m M o du l es Controls up to 99 PIM and PCD modules Supplies up to 8kV DC power to all connected PIM impulse modules PIM and PCD modules connected to PSURGE 8000 via daisy-chain-bus No additional extension-equipment required to connect additional PIM or PCD modules Large memory for complex and fully automatic test routines Contains all required interfaces to printer, PC, EUT, etc. PIM 100 Com bi n at i o n W ave Im pu ls e M o du l e Built according to IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Ed. 1 & 2 and ANSI C62.41/45 1.2/50 µs open circuit up to 7.4kV 8/20 µs...
Open the catalog to page 12All Haefely AG catalogs and technical brochures
DDX 9160/9161
11 Pages
VITAS 2772
4 Pages
CITAS 2771
4 Pages
2763 / 2767 / 2769
6 Pages
7 Pages
4 Pages
CTTS Series
8 Pages
KIT 4.0
10 Pages
4 Pages
MAG 1000
8 Pages
MIDAS micro 2883
6 Pages
TTR 2796
5 Pages
PCI 811c
4 Pages
7 Pages
4 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
High Voltage Construction KIT
28 Pages
UHVDC - Applied DC Testing
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
4762 Range Extender
1 Pages
3320 2 kV
2 Pages
2914 Solid Test Cell
3 Pages
2903 Oil Test Cell
2 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
260 DC
2 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
20 Pages
8 Pages
SSGA 100-150
24 Pages
USG 40
2 Pages
RM 430
2 Pages
20 Pages
R 500 REF, RCZ 500 REF
2 Pages
RIC 422
4 Pages
RSG 482
3 Pages
DMI 551
2 Pages
DiAS® 733
6 Pages
HiAS® 743
7 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
GC 257
6 Pages
GC 223
4 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
Global Services
8 Pages
4 Pages
Partial Discharge
24 Pages
Portable Instruments
13 Pages
Product Overview Tettex
20 Pages
ONYX ESD simulator
8 Pages
20 Pages