

Catalog excerpts

KFS - 1

The sphere gaps can be used for Impulse, AC or DC voltage calibration according to the IEC 60052 recommendation. The sphere-gap presents the undeniable advantage of a direct and straightforward voltage measurement, where only the sphere diameter and their distance gives a voltage measurement within ± 3 % accuracy. As both spheres are mounted on columns of insulating material on the horizontal sphere gaps, it’s possible to superimpose impulse, alternating and direct voltages for special tests. For the chopping of lightning impulses, the sphere gap can be equipped with the optional chopping device KFS Z. The type designation consists of the characters KFS, H for horizontal design and V for vertical and the sphere diameter in mm, e.g. KFS H 250. Designed for indoor operation. The measuring spheres are made of highly polished copper with small manufacturing tolerances. In the horizontal design, they are mounted together with the adjusting gear on supporting columns. The adjusting gear consists of a hand-wheel and precision scale for adjustment of the sphere gap (accuracy 0,5 mm). The vertical, motorised design includes the sphere drive placed on the base frame. The sphere distance is controlled by the impulse generator controls (e.g. GC 223) or by a specific control unit (e.g. GSC 219). 5DWLQJV IRU $& SHDN '& DQG LPSXOVH YROWDJH /, PV PHDVXUHPHQWV 6SDFLQJ RI [ ' 0D[ YROWDJH /, PV IRU FKRSSLQJ RQ WKH WDLO 6SDFLQJ RI [ '

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KFS - 2

7ULJJHU GHYLFH 'HVFULSWLRQ This triggering device is recommended for chopping lightning impulses on the tail. It is available for both the vertical and horizontal sphere gaps. This way the chopping system can be controlled by an electronic triggering device and allows wave-chopping with a maximal dispersion of approx. 0.1 µs. The chopping device requires a power supply of 230 V, 50 or 60 Hz. 7KH WULJJHU GHYLFH FRQVLVWV PDLQO\ RI 1 Impulse Amplifier with an adjustable delay time between 1 µs - 5 µs, in 8 steps (set by jumpers) 1 Trigger sphere with a built-in ignition rod (this sphere must...

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All Haefely AG catalogs and technical brochures

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  4. AXOS

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  7. KIT 4.0

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  8. PSURGE 30.2

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  9. MAG 1000

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  10. TTR 2796

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  11. PCI 811c

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  12. ACS

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  13. 2903

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  14. 3695

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  16. DEC 5

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  17. 5478

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  18. 5289

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  19. 5288A

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  20. 5250

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  21. 3320 2 kV

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  22. 2840

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  23. 2830/2831

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  25. 260 DC

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  26. 2293

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  27. 2226a

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  28. TSS

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  29. CTT & WPU

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  30. SSGA 100-150

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  33. PSK

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  34. RIC 422

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  35. RSG 482

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  36. DMI 551

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  37. DiAS® 733

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  38. HiAS® 743

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  39. MAFS

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  40. GC 257

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  41. GC 223

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  42. DTTS

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  43. RSKF

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  44. AXOS 8

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