VoltaLab Catalog
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VoltaLab Catalog - 1

Electrochemistry - Fuel cells - Energy - Environmental Analysis - Corrosion - Education - when you need to be sure...

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VoltaLab Catalog - 2

VoltaLab® VoltaLab instrumentation is ideal for dc and ac electrochemical analysis applications in corrosion, pitting tests, battery testing, fuel cells, electroplating, electrocatalysis, nano materials, coatings and sensor development and includes a series of potentiostats and current/voltage boosters. Electrochemical Laboratories 3 Specifications 7 Connections 8 Software 9 Corrosion 16 Voltammetry 17 Impedance 18 Polarography 19 Universal Differential Pulse 20 Battery testing 21 Post-run processing 24 Additional units 25 Current Voltage Boosters 26 Rotating Disc Electrode Stand 27...

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VoltaLab Catalog - 3

Simplicity Innovation Exclusive functions All-in-one concept Maximum efficiency VoltaLab offers outstanding software and highperformance hardware with innovative features such as the “Time evolution” concept. This exclusive function represents a veritable revolution in the world of electrochemistry. The tools methods is what makes VoltaLab stand out from rival products. It allows you to drive your experiment by creating protocols which respond according to automatically calculated results such as the intensity of a peak or its position. The VoltaLab “All-in-one” concept is very simple to...

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VoltaLab Catalog - 4

Electrochemical Laboratories Controlled by VoltaMaster 4 Every VoltaLab electrochemical laboratory consists of a potentiostat, VoltaMaster 4 software and a set of cables. VoltaLab 21 Auto Peak Analysis VoltaLab 10 VoltaLab 40 VoltaLab 50 VoltaLab 80 • • • • • • • 0.01 V/s 0.5 V/s 20 V/s 20 V/s 20 V/s 100 pA 30 pA 30 pA 0.3 pA 0.3 pA 100 kHz 100 kHz/40 kHz 100 kHz/40 kHz Potentiostatic Potentiostatic Galvanostatic Potentiostatic Galvanostatic Education Development “Time evolution” Scan rate Best current resolution EIS Maximum frequency EIS Modes Recommended for Corrosion VoltaLab 21...

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VoltaLab Catalog - 5

VoltaLab 21 Manual Economical Electrochemical Laboratory VoltaLab 21 is a compact potentiostat/galvanostat with built-in signal generator that can be used as a stand-alone instrument when it is programmed through its front panel. In this manual mode, the potentiostat scan rate can be selected up to 2.5 V/s. With VoltaMaster 4, the maximum scan rate is 10 mV/s. Ideal for corrosion studies, VoltaLab 21 records the polarisation resistance and the corrosion potential over very long periods. Pitting tests as well as coupled corrosion tests are available. VoltaLab 21 works either in floating or...

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VoltaLab Catalog - 6

VoltaLab 10 Education All-in-one Electrochemical Laboratory VoltaLab 10 is an all-in-one system which brings you a multitude of functions in a compact box at an unbeatable price. As it is the easiest to use “all-in-one” potentiostat on the market, it is the obvious choice for teaching or for beginners in electrochemistry. It offers Voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Voltammetry Simplicity Voltammetry Impedance EIS PGZ100 Maximum compliance voltage Maximum current output Maximum polarisation voltage ±30 V ±1 A ±15 V All-in-one Potentiostat Electrochemical Impedance Max....

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VoltaLab Catalog - 7

VoltaLab 80 Universal Universal Electrochemical Laboratory VoltaLab 80 is a universal instrument that will serve your imagination, making the use of delicate electrochemistry so simple and efficient that you will benefit from its potential straightaway. Everything is available from the simplest tutorial to the ultimate state-of-the-art methods, the “Universal Differential Pulse”. These universal methods exist either in recurrent mode (for battery testing) or over a potential ramp for analytical purposes. VoltaLab 80 is the most versatile potentiostat and software combination around....

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VoltaLab Catalog - 8

Maximum current output Polarisation voltage Slew rate Rise time (100% signal) Bandwidth (-3dB) Current autoranging Potential autoranging Measurements (A/D converters) Vol taL ab 21 Vol taL ab 10 Vol taL ab 40 ±30 V* ±30 V* ±30 V* ±30 V* ±20 V ±1 A ±15 V 10000 KV/s < 1µs 800 kHz Yes Yes 16 bits ±1 A** ±15 V 10000 KV/s < 1µs 800 kHz Yes Yes 16 bits ±1 A ±15 V 10000 KV/s < 1µs 800 kHz Yes Yes 16 bits ±1 A ±15 V 10000 KV/s < 1µs 800 kHz Yes Yes 16 bits ±1 A ±4 V 300 KV/s < 4 µs 200 kHz Yes Yes 20000 points ±4, 8, 15 V 125 µV ±0.2% ±4, 8, 15 V 125 µV ±0.2% ±4, 8, 15 V 125 µV ±0.2% ±4, 8, 15 V...

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VoltaLab Catalog - 9

Vol taL ab 21 Vol taL ab 50 Vol taL ab 80 Vol taL ab 40 Vol taL ab 10 Connections Rear panel connections Functional ground to connect a Faraday cage Serial port to connect a Pentium based PC Banana RS232C Banana SUB-D9 male BNC 10¹² Ohm <20 pF PL259 Low PL259 Low BNC 10¹² Ohm <20 pF PL259 Low PL259 Low BNC ±15 V ±0.2% BNC ±1 V ±0.2% BNC ±10 V 10 kOhm BNC ±8 V ±0.2% BNC ±1 V ±0.2% BNC ±5 V 20 kOhm Cell connections REF (Reference Electrode, RE) Input impedance Capacitance WORK (Working Electrode, WE) Output impedance AUX (Auxiliary Electrode, CE) Output impedance Additional channel...

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VoltaLab Catalog - 10

Software VoltaMaster 4 This superb software is the cornerstone of your VoltaLab Electrochemical Laboratory. Designed by electrochemists The only way to satisfy users’ requirements is to listen to what they have to say. That’s our policy. To tell the truth it is you, the electrochemists, who have designed the VoltaLab family of instruments. Simple to use Programming, archiving and data handling could not be easier. Whether you are an absolute beginner or an expert, it takes five minutes to feel confident with VoltaLab thanks to intuitive multitasking software. VoltaMaster 4 minimum PC...

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VoltaLab Catalog - 11

34 acquisition methods Vol taL ab 21 Vol taL ab 10 Vol taL ab 40 Vol taL ab 50 Vol taL ab 80 to measure experimental data Visual methods Visual EIS Visual IFV • • • • • • Voltammetry Electrochemical Impedance Analytical pulses Corrosion Battery/Energy Material testing Electrochemical methods Open Circuit Potential Pot. Tutorial Cyclic Voltammetry Pot. Tutorial Chrono Amperometry Pot. Interactive Cyclic Voltammetry Pot. Linear Voltammetry Gal. Linear Voltammetry Pot. Cyclic Voltammetry Gal. Cyclic Voltammetry Pot. Step by step Cyclic Voltammetry Gal. Logarithmic Cyclic Voltammetry Pot. Low...

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