Catalog excerpts

5541 Repeater Power Supply 1 Channel Isolation Barrier with Repeater Power Supply, 28 V max, 93mA max The MTL 5541 repeater power supply is suitable for 2 and 3 wire temperature transmitters located in hazardous areas. The MTL 5541 is also HART® transparent which allows 2-way HART communication for 2-wire transmitters installed in the hazardous area. Number of Channels One Location of Transmitter Zone 0, IIC, T4–6 hazardous area if suitably certified Div. 1, Group A hazardous location Safe-Area Output Signal range: 4 to 20mA Under/Over-Range: 0 to 24mA Safe-Area Load Resistance @ 24mA: 0 to 360Ω @ 20mA: 0 to 450Ω Current Sink: 600Ω max. Maximum Voltage Source: 24V dc Safe-Area Circuit Output Resistance: > 1 MΩ Safe-Area Circuit Ripple < 50µA peak-topeak Hazardous-Area Input Signal range: 0 to 24mA (including over-range) Transmitter Voltage: 16.5V at 20mA Transfer Accuracy at 20°C Better than 15µA Temperature Drift < 0.8µA/°C Response Time Settles to within 10% of final value within 50µs Communications Supported HART (terminals 1 & 2 only LED Indicator Green: power indication Maximum Current Consumption 51mA at 24V (with 20mA signal) Power Dissipation Within Unit 0.7W @ 24V dc (with 20mA signal) Current Input Output +ve via 220Ω for HART Apps. Safety Description Simple apparatus ≤1.5V, ≤0.1A and ≤25mW; can be connected without further certification into any IS loop with an open-circuit voltage <28V H&B Sensors Ltd | Odyssey House | Durban Road | Bognor Regis | West Sussex | PO22 9RH | United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)1243 866866 | Email: sales@hbsensors.com | www.hbsensors.com
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