

Catalog excerpts

5333A - 1

5333A Temperature Transmitter Temperature Transmitters The 5333A is a high accuracy head-mounted programmable transmitter suitable for Pt100/Pt1000, Ni100 or Ohmic inputs. The transmitter is loop powered and converts the input signal into a 4 to 20mA current output. The 5333A is also Namur NE43 compliant and can be programmed for Upscale or Downscale sensor error detection. The RTD and resistance inputs have cable compensation for 3-wire connections Input: Type Output: mA, signal range / min span 2-Wire output H&B Sensors Ltd | Odyssey House | Durban Road | Bognor Regis | West Sussex | PO22 9RH | United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)1243 866866 | Email: sales@hbsensors.com | www.hbsensors.com

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5333A - 2

5333A Temperature Transmitter Environmental Conditions Input Specifications Specifications range Maximum offset Calibration temperature Relative humidity Protection degree (enclosure/terminal) Cable resistance per wire (max.), RTD Effect of sensor cable resistance (3-wire), RTD Mechanical Specifications Sensor error detection, RTD Dimensions Ø44 mm x 20.2 mm Weight approx Wire size Screw terminal torque Output Specifications Current output: Signal range Minimum signal range Updating time Load resistance, current output Internal consumption Voltage drop Warm-up time Communications interface...

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