Catalog excerpts
A'at°r* ' Electf-/'c ieV\e pastiche-P/ a secco - r> ferrosi - Non,f ,eyo - Aggregait MACCHINE PERILRECUPERO DIFFERENZIATO DA SCARTI E SFRIDI INDUSTRIAL! MACHINES £OR-INDUSTRIAL SCRAPS RECYCLING GUIDETTI RECYCLING SYSTEMS proudly made in italy Via Salvi, 1 | 44045 Renazzo [FE] Italy | Tel.+39 0516858511 | Fax+39 051972099 | Guidetti s.r.l. si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche ai prodotti in qualsiasi momenta, anche senza preawiso. E vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, del materiale qui contenuto se non autorizzata. Guidetti s.r.l. reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time, including without notice. Unauthorised reproduction, including partial, of the contents of this document is forbidden. Guidetti s.r.l. se reserve le droit de modifier a tout moment les produits, meme sans preavis. La reproduction, meme partielle, du materiel contenu dans ce manuel est interdite, a moins d'une autorisation prealable. Guidetti s.r.l. se reserva el derecho a aportar modificaciones a los productos en cualquier momenta, incluso sin preaviso. Esta prohibida la reproduccion, incluso parcial, del material aquf contenido si no ha sido previamente autorizada. Die Guidetti s.r.l. behalt sich vor, jederzeit Anderungen auch ohne Vorankundigung an den Produkten vorzunehmen. Der auch teilweise Nachdruck ohne Genehmigung ist untersagt.
Open the catalog to page 1Box mulino a martelli Hammer Mill box Caisse broyeur a marteaux Caja con Molino a martillos Hammermuhle- Box Nastro dosatore Dosing conveyor Tapis de dosage Cinta dosificadora Dosierband Raffinatore Pulverizer (Turbo mill) Raffinateur Pulverizador Pulverisierer (d) Tavola di separazione Dry separating table Table de separation Mesa de separacion Separator Pannello comandi Operator controls Armoire electrique de commandes Panel de comando Schalttafel
Open the catalog to page 2Machines for Industrial Scrap’s Recycling WEEE FLOW CHART MK800 Strappatore Opener Broyeur lent déchiqu. Arrancador Opener Nastro di selezione manuale Conveyor Belt for manual selection Tapis sélection manuel Cinta para la selección manual Band für manuelle Auswahl Mulino a martelli Hammer mill Broyeur à marteaux Molino a martillos Hammermühle Separatore magnetico Magnetic over-belt Séparateur magnétique Cinta con iman Überbandmagnet Separatore Zig-Zag Zig-Zag Separator Separateur Zig-Zag Separador Zig-Zag Zick-Zack-Separator Box mulino a martelli Hammer Mill box Caisse broyeur à marteaux...
Open the catalog to page 3Machines for Industrial Scrap’s Recycling R2 Grandi bianchi (lavatrici, lavastoviglie, forni, cappe, piani di cottura, etc.). TV e monitor (schermi a tubo catodico, LCD o al plasma). White goods (washing machines, dishwasher, oven, hoods, hobs). TV and monitor (CRT, LCD or plasma screens). Piccoli elettrodomestici, elettronica di consumo, apparecchi di illuminazione (schede elettroniche, stampanti, notebook, telefoni, etc.). TV et moniteurs (écran à tube cathodique, LCD où plasma). Gros blancs (fours, machines à laver, lavevaisselles, cuisiniers, capes). 1 TV y pantallas (pantallas CRT, LCD...
Open the catalog to page 4All Guidetti Recycling Systems catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
1 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Turbo Mill
2 Pages
2 Pages
Multimedia General Catalogue
24 Pages
Archived catalogs
Pre-Shredder PMG
2 Pages
PMG-N 600/220
2 Pages
Sincro 315
1 Pages
TURBO 625/2
1 Pages
PMG-N 400/220
1 Pages
PMG 1200/400
1 Pages
Knife Sharpening GM 650
1 Pages
Turbo 900/5
1 Pages
PMG-N 900
1 Pages
Sincro 950
1 Pages
Sincro 530
1 Pages
600/15 Shear
1 Pages
W.I.R.E. 415
1 Pages