DILOS Shuttle Brochure


Catalog excerpts

DILOS Shuttle Brochure - 1


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DILOS Shuttle Brochure - 2

LOADING AND UNLOADING IN SHUTTLE GTHLE > Design versatility for practical applications DILOS SHUTTLE is suitable as aflexibly configurable solution to the problems associated withdie changing automationthrough to the complete confi- guration of a press line or press shop.A tandem DILOS SHUTTLE ensures minimum changing times and requires no die changing platforms, as no load shifting is necessary for un-loading and loading.On presses arranged in line andoperating in combination, quickdie-changing can be carried out simultaneously and in the shor- test possible time using the ܔpush-through...

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DILOS Shuttle Brochure - 3

The die changing transporter,DILOS SHUTTLE, is suitable for die weights from 4 to 40 t .The rail-mounted DILOS SHUTT-LE travels back and forth bet- ween the die preparation and The frequent changing of press tools from once a week up toseveral times a day during shift operation ֖ often means incalcu-lably high machine downtime. This problem can be expected to increase as the market demands more and more flexibility, even from presses. The normal tool changing times to date can now be significantly reduced, however, by the creation of a suitable tool changing periphery. die transfer...

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DILOS Shuttle Brochure - 4

5 When using die baseplates ofthe same size > 4 213 , these are guidedby lateral guide rails (1) when the die is pushed onto the shuttle table or press table.For additional or exclusive useof dies with baseplates of diffe- rent sizes, the DILOS SHUTTLE is equipped with an additionalguide keyway (2) for die T-blocks.The press table is expedientlyequipped with SWT-rollbloc rol- ler strips (3) for gentle pushing of the dies.The use of standardized sub-plates combined with the SWT-SlipGrip guiding and clamping elements (see rearcover) offers a technological alternative. > 6 For die transfer,...

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DILOS Shuttle Brochure - 5

standardized sub-plates and hydraulic SWT clamping techniques > frequentlyproves to be the most flexible and future-oriented technology. > The attainment of the shortestpossible downtime is a majorcalculation factor for invest- ment in new machines. If the conventional die changing pro- cedure is retained, no signifi- cant improvements can beachieved in overcoming familiarbottleneck situations. Extremely short changing timesare made possible by the use of DILOS SHUTTLE, supplemented by corresponding clamping de- vices. The combination of DILOS SHUTTLE > DILOS SHUTTLE with turntable (special...

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DILOS Shuttle Brochure - 6

DIE LOGISTICSSYSTEM . Thanks to its individu-al design possibilities, this futu- re-oriented press die logistics system permits efficient andmethodical handling of press tools. The rationalisation sys-tem is supplemented by facili- ties for die maintenance and die storage.Benefit from the decades ofexperience of GܜTHLE to clarify your needs with a preliminarysituation analysis in a consulta-tion with no obligation. > The necessary preparations for laying industrial rails and cable trenches have to be carried out on site (standard version). All further measures by arran-gement....

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