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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 1

setting tough innovative Software

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 2

Dear colleagues, dear business partners and friends of GROB, goals, we have worked with perseverance and in accordance with our long term strategy. To continue with this success, we will, following market development, continue with our investment plans, whether in buildings or operational facilities. If we are to meet the demands of our customers, it goes without saying that all the expansion work at our sites in Mindelheim, Bluffton and Dalian was both right and necessary. In respect of our planned new B6 administrative building, we will be using up the last available space for a building...

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 3

GROB Technology A wide Range of new Products and Software Technologies allow tools to be changed concurrently by an operator with an automatic tool changing mechanism. Thus all machines for application in the automotive industry are designed to permit tool changing operations both from the front through the front door as well as from above via the roof opening of the machine. Starting with the sixth generation of development of the successful G-module series, through the new linear portal and G-gantry and new G800 large machine to new software technologies, in the coming year, GROB will...

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 4

Machine feedback for the CIP process Where G-Line allows querying the current machine status, G-Record permits a review of past events. The machine permanently logs the current status and G-Record determines and prepares data graphically and computationally with far greater accuracy than previously. The data reveals unproductive phases, and the related causes can be rapidly determined and remedied. G-Record is a helpful tool for the continuous improvement process, since it can also point out organizational weaknesses. Connecting the real world to the ERP system G-Fusion links the machine to...

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 5

GROB IT The company‘s virtual heart Two large datacenters in Mindelheim, almost 5,500 computer terminals (ports), 140 servers and data amounting to 74 terabytes (= 74 million MB). A network of sites around the world – and with maximum data security. Approximately 500 different software products in use. These are the facts around GROB‘s complex IT landscape, which is secured 24 hours a day and 365 days a year by a strong team of 50 employees. The history of GROB‘s IT landscape is almost as old as commercial data processing. For GROB the IT era began in 1986 with four CAD work stations in...

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 6

GROB ANNIVERSARIES The company's long-term employees deserve their honors Assembly Geometry Mechanical Commissioning After Sales Service - Spare Part Quality Control Project Management Logistics - Production Planning Mechanical Detail Engineering Mechanical Commissioning Subassembly Universal Machining Mechanical Commissioning Vice President, Corporate Advance- ment, H. R. & Legal Affairs Mechanical Commissioning Mechanical Commissioning Department Manager Engineering Assembly Technology Department Manager Controlling Logistics - Export Regulations Mechanical Commissioning Mechanical...

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 7

Idea Management at GROB Idea management as part of employee development GROB Human Resources New Programs for Employee Development It started in 1993 with „Ideas wanted – Ideas found“, then came the introduction of the “Company Suggestion Box“ in 2000, followed by „Idea Management“ nine years later. Whatever it was called, the intention – always of the moment – was to encourage suggestions for improvement within the company. When it became possible to submit suggestions in digital form, the potential for savings increased more than tenfold. Track recordIdea Management – a unique success...

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 8

GROB Sales GROB has successfully established itself in the Machining of new Workpieces and Materials our tried-and-true technology based on numerous systems for cylinder heads and engine blocks. G-module production system for automotive components With two new orders from Audi and Daimler to machine frame structural components, GROB has been able to establish itself in a new market segment, and has also proven that it can fabricate frame structural components as well as powertrain parts. For several months the global machine tools market has been in flux and unfortunately cannot be...

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 9

Change of staff at GROB UK Starting January 1, 2015, Louis Hill will be the Head of the GROB Machine Tools UK Ltd. branch office. He will succeed our long-time GROB Branch Office Manager, Gerrit Wielhouwer, who will retire after almost seven years at GROB. Louis Hill has been involved with machine tools for twenty years and came to GROB UK in 2012. “First, I would like to continue the successful work of Gerrit Wielhouwer in the system business and in addition continue to expand the universal machine business” Louis Hill stated confidently. “I see particularly good opportunities for us in...

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 10

investment volume of 5.5 million euros and top-notch production with its related increasing productivity, we have been able to overtake all competitors”. Viewed on the whole, GROB do Brasil has a great starting position for 2015. Production for 2015 currently has a full order book, therefore we also expect stable growth in the coming year. It is important that we have been able to respond to macroeconomic factors such as “Custo Brasil” (Brazil production costs) with increasing productivity, thus GROB China GROB records Further Growth in the Chinese Market keeping GROB do Brasil competitive...

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INTERNATIONAL Issue 02/14 - 11

HERE FOR YOU AROUND THE WORLD GROB RUSSLAND Moscow, Russia GROB MACHINE TOOLS Birmingham, Great Britain GROB-WERKE Mindelheim, Germany GROB HUNGARIA Györ, Hungary GROB MACHINE TOOLS Beijing, China GROB SYSTEMS Bluffton, Ohio, USA GROB MACHINE TOOLS Dalian, China GROB KOREA Seoul, South Korea GROB MACHINE TOOLS Shanghai, China GROB MEXICO Querétaro, Mexico GROB MACHINE TOOLS Hyderabad, India B. GROB DO BRASIL São Paulo, Brazil Mindelheim plant Bluffton plant Dalian plant GROB-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG Mindelheim, Germany Tel.: +49 8261 9960 Fax: +49 8261 996268 E-Mail: B....

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