GROB International 02/13
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GROB International 02/13 - 1


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GROB International 02/13 - 2

DEAR COLLEAGUES, dear business partners, dear friends of GROB, Mindelheim we completed the B5 engineering building, the logistics hall and made other investments in vital machinery. In the meantime our plant in Mindelheim, with its modern development and engineering department and its highly efficient production processes, has grown into one of the leading companies in the German machine tool industry. We can look back proudly on the remarkable growth of the company in recent years. Left to right: Burkhart Grob, Margret Grob, Christian Grob 2013 was another very good year for our company....

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GROB International 02/13 - 3

DEAR COLLEAGUES, The systems business continues to be the backbone of GROB’s success. What is particularly welcome is the continuing positive response from our customers, which is reflected not only in the number of orders, but also in the many awards and in the recognition our products and work receive. Back in January we won the award of Best Partner Supplier 2012 from the largest independent Chinese automaker, Chery Automobile Co. Ltd. In March we received from General Motors the Q.S.T.P. Award for best supplier of the year. Then in the summer came the exclusive Bosch Global Supplier...

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GROB International 02/13 - 4

GROB Technology Advances in metal cutting technology continue apace in tool changing times, travel paths and so also down times. Further optimization successes were recorded on the software side by improvements to computing power and by the use of more dynamic and faster memory chips in the various control systems. Completing the package of optimization measures is a hydraulics-free motor spindle and the faster tool change sequences that come with that. A spokesperson for the development team commented: „We are very proud of the fact that with this wide range of optimization measures on the...

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GROB International 02/13 - 5

Grob trade fairs EMO in Hannover and in-house exhibition Mindelheim In- house exhibition Mindelheim heim In- house exhibition Mindel In- house exhibition Mindelheim In- house exhibition Mindel heim In- house exhibition Mindel heim In- house exhibition Mindel

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GROB International 02/13 - 6

GROB Production Additional optimization implemented in assembly area fies material flow. Clearly defined interfaces, for example plug connections in the electrical area, create stable general conditions and result in considerably reduced assembly times. A mobile rack is used to move the finished panels. Productivity was significantly increased as a result of the synchronized flow assembly of the panel and standard interfaces for 2-spindle machines. Console-flow assembly in Hall 6 In order to meet the production schedule that has grown enormously in recent years at Grob, throughput times...

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GROB International 02/13 - 7

GROB Production GROB technology applied to cross-slide production cross-slides. Both machines, that is both the milling and the drilling machine, can be loaded and unloaded manually. They are integrated into the production complex in Hall 5 in the large part production area. pieces per week to over 35 per week. 30 pieces per week only covered the needs of the Mindelheim plant. As these components must be ultra-precise, Mindelheim also has to supply the subsidiary plants in São Paulo and Bluffton, plus to a certain extent Dalian in China – with all that this implies. That means that in...

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GROB International 02/13 - 8

GROB New Building B5 Engineering and Design, IT and Purchasing have a new home This past summer, after Building B5 was constructed and the interior finished, employees of Engineering and Design, Strategic Purchasing and Information Technology could move into their new office spaces. B5 was initially one of the last major construction projects on the old site of GROB-WERKE between the Allgäuer and Bad Wörishofer streets. Mechanical Detail Design; Engineering is on the fourth floor, at the very top. In total there are more than 900 square meters of floor space on each level. “I am...

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GROB International 02/13 - 9

GROB Human Resources Department Versatile partner and first service provider in the Company implementation of discipline-specific programs or coordination of continuing education and training activities. With their R3 philosophy: providing the right employee at the right place at the right time, Human Resources staff automatically provides support to achieve established corporate goals. “For us, personnel development is closely tied to corporate development,” explains Karl Hempfer, Head of GROB Human Resources. “We support the departments in targeted design of learning and development...

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GROB International 02/13 - 10

GROB ANNIVERSARIES The company's long-term employees deserve their honors Anniversary celebrations In line with a long tradition, this year we once again honored long-term employees who have completed a „round number" of years of employment at GROB. It's an event that has long been an annual tra- dition: the celebration marks an import- ant milestone in their careers and per- fectly reflects GROB's corporate culture. This year we welcomed and honored no fewer than 170 long-serving employees. And that number included 14 employees, who have been with the company for over of these employees,...

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GROB International 02/13 - 11

Albert Adelwarth Elektro-Konstruktion Rudolf Bail GroBteilefertigung Konrad Behle Prozessinbetriebnahme Elektrik Stephan Bendel Automatisierungstechnik Joachim Best Informationstechnologie Roland Blum Bereichsleiter Fertigung Ferdinand Bock Fertigung Werkzeug Arthur Brandner Fertigung Drehen/Frasen Harald Brandner Projektierung Viktor Braun Informationstechnologie Robert Britzelmayr Mechanik-Detailkonstruktion Bernd Burger Baugruppenfertigung G-Module Sascha Burkard Vormontage Fluid Eduard Christ Elektro-Konstruktion Roland Czech Elektro-Konstruktion Josef Dubowy Fuhrungsbett/Stander Ahmet...

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GROB International 02/13 - 12

GROB training Trainees worldwide Training with a long tradition Training has been offered in Mindelheim since the plant was established in 1968. The aim of training is to meet the high demand for skilled workers in all required fields. „Here in Mindelheim the focus of our training is not just on meeting GROB’s departmentaland product-specific requirements, but also on nurturing GROB’s way of thinking, about customer focus and the development of the necessary soft skills,“ said GROB’s director of training in mechanics, Werner Drexel. Training is given in the fields of industrial mechanics,...

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