Catalog excerpts

Dear colleagues, Dear business partners and friends of GROB, In many respects 2011 must count as one of the most successful years in the history of our company. Sales, new orders and investments have reached record levels. Many innovations and new developments have been introduced during this period. And it‘s all happening at a time when the business environment is very challenging. USA and China. An important strength attributed to our family company is that we can react very quickly and flexibly to changing market situations. At the same time all the operating earnings we generate are...
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GROB Technology News Technological innovations – and not just for our customers The GROB innovations showcased at the EMO in Hannover were very well received – by fellow exhibitors and many more interested parties. At the moment everything is in place for sales of GROB production and manufacturing machinery to top 1 billion Euros. But an important building block towards this goal is investment in our own developments – for large-scale special machines, flexible manufacturing facilities and more G-modules. The trade reviews after what is the world‘s largest machine tool exhibition, the EMO...
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GROB Production Paradigm shift at our Mindelheim production plant investing in an additional special machine for the GT-FBS. The special machine in Hall 8, which efficiently machined the guide beds for the 3 series, will be duplicated for the 5 series. In the second section, the Flexible Manufacturing System (GT-FS) will be responsible for making the „heart“ of the G-module, e.g. key components, such as cross-slides, the Z-axis housing and a large part of the clamping fixture base plate. A portal milling machine specially designed by GROB will be used here. In the third section, the Large...
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GROB Material Handling A changed world means a Herculean task for the Logistics department From inventory reduction and costeffective procurement to retrieval of materials and optimum utilization of storage capacity. The key tasks in the world of logistics have changed, but the challenges are not getting any easier. On the contrary, in fact; Logistics at GROB has always been a dynamic process – but it‘s just getting faster and faster. increasingly complex; in the end though, employees must be able to understand them and to operate them. Processes will no longer work in the way they used to....
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GROB ANNIVERSARIES Faces from the GROB success story Anniversary celebrations 10th anniversary Jeton Jürgen Kai Wladimir Armin Robert Philipp Daniel Marcus Stefan Mario Ernst-Karl Mark Thomas Jürgen Peter Norbert Ulrich Stanislaus Andrea Ulrich Jürgen Ignaz Jürgen Elmar Steffen Andreas Ralf Andreas Peter Henry Sonja Joachim Daniel Tobias Turgay Martin Jörg Abdullah Tobias Guido Wilhelm Thomas Harald Harald Adrian Tobias Norbert Gerhard Cornelia Achim Holger Stefan Roland Jochen Holger Herbert Rita Anna Dmitrij Robert Giuseppe 25th anniversary Mehmet Alexander Rudolf Helmut Markus Robert...
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GROB Training GROB takes a new direction in attracting apprentices in more detail about the current apprentice situation, vocational training with GROB and the training courses being offered. In general terms, how would you describe the current situation in the apprenticeship program? The number of apprenticeships available in the metalworking and electrical industries rose by about seven percent during 2011. And we expect another increase of 7.5 percent next year. So the pressure is on in the search for suitable applicants in all businesses. Demographic trends, with numbers in Bavaria in...
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GROB INVESTMENTS New production halls for Mindelheim and Dalian GROB Brazil B. Grob do Brasil prospers on inland market Restructuring and streamlining in the production department at B. GROB do Brasil With thirty percent growth in 2011, a predicted growth of thirty percent in 2012 and full order books until 2013: B. GROB do Brasil has rarely been so busy in all its history. All that growth despite very tough economic conditions, a constant, but successful battle against rising costs in Brazil and a drop in the export trade. Dalian Dalian There are currently two sides to Brazil, the world‘s...
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GROB Brazil B. Grob do Brasil prospers on inland market tools and processes, can be carried out on the computer, the possibility of any collision can be prevented and the actual operating cycle for the process optimized. To make machine installation easier, there will be a new CNC pipe bending machine available in February 2012. A „training campaign“ has been launched with considerable support from our Mindelheim colleagues. This included G-PS and 5S training sessions for all employees and management. New investment in the machining department − with GROB‘s own G-modules Improving...
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GROB Sales Changes in direction bring early success The official opening of offices in Hyderabad/India, a move to larger premises in Queretaro/Mexico and an upgrade for the service team in Moscow – all three developments evidence of a commitment never seen before in the history of our company. Within the space of only one year, GROB Sales can point to some important achievements, achievements that meet the stringent demands of the global market, but which come with GROB quality as a standard. ing existing sales structures. „We are taking every opportunity to create the ideal conditions for...
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We‘re here for you - all around the world GROB RUSSLAND Moscow, Russia GROB MACHINE TOOLS Wellesbourne, Great Britain GROB-WERKE Mindelheim, Germany GROB MACHINE TOOLS Beijing, China GROB SYSTEMS Bluffton, Ohio, USA GROB MACHINE TOOLS Dalian, China GROB KOREA Seoul, South Korea GROB MACHINE TOOLS Shanghai, China GROB MEXICO Querétaro, Mexico GROB MACHINE TOOLS Hyderabad, India B. GROB DO BRASIL São Paulo, Brazil Mindelheim plant Bluffton plant Dalian plant GROB-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG Mindelheim, Germany Tel.: +49 8261 996-0 Fax: +49 8261 996-268 E-Mail: info@de.grobgroup.com B. GROB DO BRASIL...
Open the catalog to page 11All GROB-WERKE catalogs and technical brochures
GROB Group brochure
40 Pages
GROB International 02/2017
11 Pages
GROB International 01/2018
16 Pages
15 Pages
GROB International 02/15
9 Pages
GROB International 01/15
11 Pages
11 Pages
20 Pages
GROB International 01/10
9 Pages
GROB International 02/10
9 Pages
GROB International 01/11
9 Pages
GROB International 01/13
11 Pages
GROB International 02/13
20 Pages
GROB International 01/12
11 Pages
GROB International 02/12
11 Pages