Catalog excerpts

Dear colleagues, Dear business partners and friends of Grob, From all events that took place in the last few years, we can now look back to 2010 and confirm that the course we set last year was the right one. Our combined efforts to retain our strong corporate structure allowed us, at the start of this year, to respond rapidly and flexibly to the increase in demand for our products. You have all shown great solidarity and made a vital contribution, so that we at GROB were fully able to exploit, even to boost, the positive trends in the market. We would like to thank you for your steadfast...
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G-modules with no hydraulics A paradigm shift in CNC machining A wide range of new clamping techniques The part is normally secured using zeropoint clamping, consisting of at least two points or more. Instead of straightforward workpiece clamping, it is possible to use adapters or workpiece holders. With both options, the zero-point clamping system is driven and controlled separately using synchronous motors and precision drives. The second of the new clamping techniques Cubic workpieces, such as cylinder heads, crankcases and transmission housings often have to be fixed using latch-action...
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GROB Production An analog/digital approach to shop floor management what is practically real time. As well as these new IT tools, such as the PWB or an automated picking system, shop floor management with its extremely efficient communication system can create additional time for GROB workers. A planning tool for the experts: the central board in production pre-assembly If you take a look behind the scenes in the GROB production department, you will see how the planning process has been improved using simple, analog methods ... and it‘s happening in a hi-tech era with the very latest shop...
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Healthy eating workshop 2010 Healthcare management in training, Part II Corporate Integration Management A success story for employees and the company It could be seminars on drug dependency, on overcoming stress and learning relaxation techniques or even the trainee fitness check. From day one, GROB‘s healthcare management program accompanies our young apprentices throughout their training, supported by seminars and workshops on health issues. The healthy eating workshop in the second year of training is an important part of GROB‘s successful occupational health management initiative....
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GROB ANNIVERSARIES Faces from the GROB success story Standard machine sales GROB‘s standard machines gain a firm foothold in world markets Öztürk Eduard Wilhelm Jürgen Roland Franz Martin Herbert Christian Viktor Thomas Werner Johannes Jürgen Aksu ALF Bader Benzinger Berens Bersch Birle Birzle Bittner Boger Böhm Botzenhart Bronner Burgmair Aytekin Yasar Christian Vladimir Roman Jens Alexandra Michael Steffen Eduard Daniel Andre Gerhard Markus Celik Celik Csokas Dautfest DAVID Deutschmann Dreer Feneberg Fischer Fitz Frey Gaier Ganz Glas Ulrich Josef Herbert Engelbert Stefan Tanja Dieter...
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GROB Mexico S.A. de C.V. A prestigious contact in Mexico In July of this year GROB Mexico celebrated its birthday and can now reflect on its first, highly successful decade. After Great Britain, GROB Mexico is the GROB group‘s oldest sales and service branch. There from the start: Ana Wagner (Administration), Jörg Wagner (Branch manager) and David Zepeda (Service Technician/Mechanic) It all started in July 2000 with an order from DaimlerChrysler to supply GROB machinery for 5.7 L HEMI MAGNUM V8 cylinder heads and cylinder blocks. Then one thing led to another. While the Daimler project was...
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GROB Systems, Inc. Economic crisis weathered – recovery on the way B. GROB DO BRASIL S.A. Roll-out of new strategic alignment brings success A wide range of structural adjustments in sales, production and administration at GROB do Brasil has led to lasting gains in productivity. The time is right – these are changes which will give continuity to the GROB do Brasil success story. There‘s a new dawn in Brazil. The international financial crisis, which did not really happen in Brazil, is over and it has left the country with a strong currency. The Brazilian Real has never been so strong, since...
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We‘re here for you - all around the world GROB Moscow, Russia GROB MACHINE TOOLS Wellesbourne, Great Britain GROB SYSTEMS Bluffton, Ohio, USA GROB-WERKE Mindelheim, Germany GROB MACHINE TOOLS Beijing, China GROB KOREA Seoul, South Korea GROB MACHINE TOOLS Shanghai, China GROB MEXICO Saltillo, Mexico GROB Chennai, India B. GROB DO BRASIL São Paulo, Brazil PUBLICATION DETAILS GROB INTERNATIONAL Christmas edition 02/10 PUBLISHER: GROB-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG Mindelheim Mindelheim Plant Bluffton Plant GROB-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG Industriestraße 4 87719 Mindelheim Germany Telefon: 49 8261 996-0 +...
Open the catalog to page 9All GROB-WERKE catalogs and technical brochures
GROB Group brochure
40 Pages
GROB International 02/2017
11 Pages
GROB International 01/2018
16 Pages
15 Pages
GROB International 02/15
9 Pages
GROB International 01/15
11 Pages
11 Pages
20 Pages
GROB International 01/10
9 Pages
GROB International 01/11
9 Pages
GROB International 02/11
11 Pages
GROB International 01/13
11 Pages
GROB International 02/13
20 Pages
GROB International 01/12
11 Pages
GROB International 02/12
11 Pages