S-406 MSDS
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S-406 MSDS - 1

MSDS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ECOSORB S-405, S-406, S-407, S-410, S-423, S-426, S-429, S-490 1. Product & Company Identification Supplier/Manufacturer: Graver Technologies LLC Address: Telephone Number: FAX Number: Emergency Phone: 200 Lake Drive Glasgow, Delaware 19702-3319 U.S.A (302) 731-1700 (302) 731-1707 (800) 249-1990 Product/Material Uses: Removes color, taste, odor and turbidity from liquid food streams. Product Name: S-405, S-406, S-407, S-410, CAS Number: MSDS Number: Issue Date: S-423, S-426, S-429, S-490 N/A 857 23-Jul-2008 e-Mail: Web Site: info@gravertech.com www.gravertech.com 2. Composition / Information On Ingredients Carbon, Activated Fiber, Cellulose Resin, Anion Exchange Chemical & Common Name CAS Number 7440-44-0 9004-34-6 69011-15-0 Weight Percent 10 - 30 7 - 13 0.5 - 1.5 This product contains no hazardous ingredients when evaluated by criteria established in the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). 3. Hazards Identification Primary Route(s) of Entry: inhalation, skin contact Eye Hazards: Eye contact may cause mild mechanical irritation. Skin Hazards: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause irritation, drying and redness. Ingestion Hazards: Product is practically non-toxic if swallowed. Inhalation Hazards: Avoid use in confined spaces. Wet activated carbon can absorb and remove oxygen from the air causing a severe hazard to workers. Product may cause a dust hazard if allowed to dry out and disperse. May cause respiratory irritation. EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Warning: Wet activated carbon removes oxygen from the air and can lower the concentration of oxygen inside vessels and other confined spaces. Dried product that is allowed to become airborne may be irritating. Excessive airborne dust creates a dust explosion hazard in confined areas.

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S-406 MSDS - 2

4. First Aid Measures Eye: Hold eyelids apart and flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Skin: Wash affected areas with soap and water. Get medical attention immediately if irritation develops. Ingestion: If person is fully conscious, give 1 or 2 cups of water or milk to drink. Get medical attention immediately. Inhalation: Remove person from source of exposure to fresh air. Get medical attention if irritation develops. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Lower Explosive Limit: N/A Upper Explosive Limit: N/A Fire & Explosion Hazards : Product is moist and dust-free. Clean up...

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S-406 MSDS - 3

8. Exposure Controls / Personal Protection Engineering Controls: Product is moist and dust-free. If product dries out it can be rewetted with a fine water mist prior to cleanup. If product dries out and rewetting is not possible, be sure there is adequate general and local exhaust ventilation to prevent excessive airborne dust concentrations. Local exhaust ventilation should be provided to maintain exposures below recommended occupational exposure limits. Eye/Face Protection: Safety glasses are recommended as minimum industial eye protection when handling bulk product or performing spill...

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S-406 MSDS - 4

Ecotoxicological Information: No information is available for the product. However, ecotoxicity is expected to be Dispose in accordance with applicable federal, state and local government regulations. Waste product is not considered to be a hazardous waste. Dispose of material in approved landfill. Avoid dispersal of spilled material and runoff into soil, waterways, drains and sewers. This product is NOT considered spontaneously combustible under the "Self-Heating Test for Carbon" protocol listed in the United Nations' Manual of Tests and Criteria [33.3.1]. U.S. Regulatory Information:...

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