Catalog excerpts

high quality tubular elements
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We reserve the right to modify any specication and/or item shown in the present catalogue without notice. Information, photos, drawings and technical data specied in the publication have been carefully examined and thoroughly checked. They cannot, however, bind our responsibility on their exactness. GRANLUND TOOLS AB, SWEDEN
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When precision counts... Granlund Machinery offers a complete range of machines for manufacturing of metal sheathed tubular elements. Available as either standard or custom built stand-alone machines to complete turnkey factory production lines. We have more than 50 years experience in the heating element field, and offer our comprehensive range of machines with extensive manufacturing know how to a global market. Granlund Machinery’s niche is the development, manufacture, and sale of machinery and equipment for the production of tubes, metal sheathed tubular elements and other resistance...
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Granlund Machinery Complete factory concept Granlund - Complete Factory Concept With more then fty year’s experience in the heating element eld, we oer a comprehensive range of machines for manufacturing metal sheathed tubular elements combined with extensive manufacturing know-how. Working closely with the client we give expert guidance in choice of machinery and suitability of material for elements. We will provide a layout of the machinery best suited to client’s available factory or oor space. We help clients contact material suppliers, such as fused magnesium oxide suppliers and tube...
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Manufacture of tubes GRANLUND Tube weldning mill, Type KOW GRANLUND Tube weldning mill, Type KOW GRANLUND Rohrschweisswerk, Typ KOW GRANLUND Machine à roulersouder, Typ KOW Máquina de soldar tubos GRANLUND KOW The standard model of the tube welding mill is intended for continuous welding of alloy steel tubes in did. range 5 to 19 mm and a wall thickness range from 0.4 to 1.0 mm. Das StandardRohrSchweinwerk ist fur eine kontinuierliche Produktion von Edclstahlrohren mit einem Aussendurchmesser von 5 bis 19 mm und einer Wandstärke von 0,4 bis 1,0 mm konzipiert. Le modèle standard est prévu...
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Manufacture of tubes GRANLUND cutting table, type KCT and calibrating unit, type KOG GRANLUND cutting table, type KCT and calibrating unit, type KOG GRANLUND Schneidtisch Typ KCT und Kalibriereinheit (Entgraten) Type KOG GRANLUND Table de coupe KCT, et calibrage des tubes KOG Mesa de corte GRANLUND, tipo KCT y unidad de calibratión tipo KOG. The combination of GRANLUND cutting table, KCT and calibrating unit, KOG makes it possible to get tubes cut to accurate length and calibrated ends following the tube welding mill, ready for lling without any further operation. Die Kombination GRANLUND...
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Manufacture of tubes Tube cut-off line, type KCL GRANLUND tube cut-off line, Type KCL GRANLUND Rohrabläng Vorrichtung, Typ KCL Coupe de tubes GRANLUND KCL Linea de corte de tubo GRANLUND KCL The cutting method used is of a type which does not contaminate the interior of the tube. The KCL can be delivered as a fully automatic line, or a more manual line. Often the KCL is connected to the calibrating unit, type KOG. Diese Vorrichtung dient zum Ablängen von Rohren durch Abtrennen mit einem Spezialwerkzeug. Diese Abschneidemethode vermeidet jegliche Verunreinigungen der Rohre; eine Reinigung...
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Manufacture of tubes Manual cutting and calibrating unit, type KCM Manual cutting and calibrating unit, type KCM Manuelle GRANLUND Schneidund Kalibrierungsvorrichtung, Type KCM KCM, machine pour la coupe et le calibrage des tubes Unidad GRANLUND de corte manual y calibracion. Tipo KCM. GRANLUND KCM is used for cutting standard length (precut) tubes into the desired lengths. It is designed to operate also without a tube welding mill. In conjunction with the cutting head KCH and the calibrating head of the KOG, gives you tubes cut to accurate nal length with calibrated ends. The element tubes...
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Coliling Machines GRANLUND Type KOC-T, TP, TT, KOC-VE, KOC-HD GRANLUND Type KOC-T, TP, TT, KOC-VE, KOC-HD Type KOC-T, TP, TT KOC-VE, KOC-HD Modeles KOC-T, - VE/VEP, KOC-HD GRANLUND KOCVE/VEP The GRANLUND coiling machine enables the maufacture of uniform and reproducible GRANLUND coils, whereby a uniform temperature can be obtained along the element. Die Voraussetzung für eine gleichmässige Temperaturverteilung entlang eines Rohrheizkörpers ist eine mit hoher Präzision hergestellte Wendel. Dies ist mit den GRANLUND Wickelmaskinen über grosse Serien reproduzierbar möglich. Mit den Maschinen...
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Dereeling GRANLUND Dereeling device KOA-D GRANLUND Dereeling device KOA-D GRANLUND Abspulvorrichtung, Typ KOA-D Dérouleur de grosses bobines GRANLUND KOA-D Devanador de carretes KOA-D con motor de corriente contínua. These dereeling devices are designed to be used with GRANLUND coiling Machine. Zur Gross-serien-Herstellung von Gleichmässigen Wendeln werden ausser einer präzise arbeitenden Wickelmaschine auch entsprechende Abspulvorrichtungen verschiedener. Ausführungen benötigt. Le KOA-D a été concu pour des bobines allant 40 jusqu’a kg environ. Estos devanadores estan diseñados para ser...
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Automatic coil-pin-plugg assembly unit GRANLUND automatic assembly unit, type KBMA GRANLUND automatic assembly unit, type KBMA Wendel-BolzenMontageautomat, Typ KBMA Machine automatique d’assemblage GRANLUND KBMA Unidad automática ensambladora GRANLUND tipo KBMA The unit assembles and welds tow terminals pins to a coil as well as location the bottom sealing plug onto the pin. he capacity is about 600-700 units/hour. Faulty or non assembled parts are automatically sorted out . Diese Anlage montiert and schweisst die Anschlussbolzen an die beiden Enden der Widerstandswendel und setzt einen...
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Filling Machines GRANLUND KOF 124/125/130 GRANLUND KOF 124/125/130 GRANLUND KOF 124/125/130 GRANLUND KOF 124/125/130 GRANLUND KOF 124/125/130 In these lling machines, 25 tubes are lled at the same time. KOF-25 was the rst rapid lling machine, now used basically for small diameters like 0 7.5 mm and smaller. KOF-125 is used for sizes above this. An advantage is no MgO waste. Beide Maschinen sind für hohe Füllgeschwindigkeiten, stufenlos einstellbar bis 1000 mm/min, ausgelegt und somit für Grossserien geeignet. Das optimierte Be- und Entladen der 25 Rohre erfolgt in einem Arbeitsschritt mit...
Open the catalog to page 12All Granlund Tools catalogs and technical brochures
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Counterboring System Size 01
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carbide reamer
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Archived catalogs
CNC Tools
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Counterboring System
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