Catalog excerpts

Low-Emission Resin Systems for the Composites Industry P r o v e n Q u a l i t y . L e a d i n g T e c h n o l o g y . Chopper/Wet-out Systems
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GlasCraft® Chopper/Wet-out Systems Outstanding performance for resin applications GlasCraft Chopper/Wet-out Dispense System Designed to accurately meter and chop fiberglass into a resin spray to provide structural strength to the end product, GlasCraft Chopper/ Wet-out Dispense Systems are engineered to deliver reliable performance. Built with fewer wear items, GlasCraft equipment consumes fewer replacement parts. With reduced service expenses and less revenue lost due to downtime, GlasCraft’s Chopper Systems are highly economical to own and operate. GlasCraft Chopper/Wet-out Systems: •...
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Adjustable-Ratio Catalyst Pump • Easy, no-tool quick-change catalyst adjustment • Ensures proper catalyst percentage and optimal results • Operates at any desired catalyst percentage within operating range – 0.5% to 3.5% for 5:1 system – 0.5% to 3.5% for 11:1 system – 0.5% to 2.9% for 17:1 system – 0.8% to 5.6% for 20:1 system Resin Pump • Reliable, low-maintenance reciprocating piston pump for moving polyester resin • Piston pump works well with fillers • Standard pump offers 11:1 ratio • Develops up to 89 bar (8.9 MPa, 1300 psi) • Delivers up to 9.5 lpm (2.5 gpm) Optional resin pumps: 5:1...
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When you buy a drum of resin, you pay for every drop of material. It makes good economic sense to put as many of those drops as possible on the mold. GlasCraft’s exclusive Air-Assist Containment (AAC) wraps the spray pattern in a containment shield of air – preventing atomized droplets from escaping the spray pattern. Droplets that escape and end up on the floor, wall or employee’s clothing are a waste of money. AAC creates a spray pattern where the droplets travel to the mold at very low pressure. The low speed or “particle velocity” creates very little turbulence or disturbance in the...
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GlasCraft Chopper Spray Guns Uniform spray pattern GlasCraft’s chopper external guns feature the patented AAC feature to produce the most uniform and consistent low-emission spray pattern with stabilizing air streams. GlasCraft INDy Spray Guns • Volume control assures the highest quality finish with minimal porosity • Simple material valve and seat design is easy to maintain, resulting in increased uptime • Features AAC for excellent pattern control and less wasted material • Ergonomic, lightweight design reduces operator fatigue What’s the difference between external and internal mix guns?...
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B-410 Cutter • Unique air flow design results in cooler operating temperature • Several snout options to efficiently dispense glass in both large and small parts • Adjustable throttle for output control • Efficiently pulls one or two strands of glass GlasCraft Fiberglass Cutters Exceptionally quiet, GlasCraft’s unique cutter maintains 100 percent torque to the air motor for unchallenged high and low fiber output, and provides the flexibility to pull the fiber from long distances. All GlasCraft choppers feature superior air flow, which results in a low operating temperature and the best...
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Technical Specifications INDy/Formula 5:1 INDy/Formula 11:1 INDy Formula HVRP 17:1 INDy/Formula 20:1 Air requirement 425 lpm @ 6.8 bar @ max pump output (15 cfm @ 100 psi @ max pump output) 991 lpm @ 6.8 bar @ max pump output (35 cfm @ 100 psi max output) 2265 lpm @ 6.8 bar @ max pump output 80 cfm @ max output 991 lpm @ 6.8 bar @ max pump output 35 cfm @ 100 psi max output Material pump capacity* 9.5 lpm (2.5 gpm) 9.5 lpm (2.5 gpm) 15.5 lpm (4.1 gpm) 6.0 lpm (1.6 gpm) Material pump output 190 ccm/cycle; 20 cycles = 1 gal; 5 cycles = 1 liter 190 ccm/cycle; 20 cycles = 1 gal; 5 cycles = 1...
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Founded in 1926, Graco is a world leader in fluid handling systems and components. Graco products move, measure, control, dispense and apply a wide range of fluids and viscous materials used in vehicle lubrication, commercial and industrial settings. The company’s success is based on its unwavering commitment to technical excellence, world-class manufacturing and unparalleled customer service. Working closely with qualified distributors, Graco offers systems, products and technology that set the quality standard in a wide range of fluid handling solutions. Graco provides equipment for spray...
Open the catalog to page 8All GRACO catalogs and technical brochures
Pro Xp® Electrostatic Spray Guns
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Supply Pumps
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XP™ and XM Series Sprayers
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Fusion® CS
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AA G40 Automatic
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ToughTek® Mortar Equipment
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FRP Systems
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SaniSpray HP™
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PFP Sprayers
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Hoses, Guns and Accessories
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Automatic Lubrication Equipment
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Petroleum Handling Equipment
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Air-Lube Spra-Control Valve
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GL-11 Grease Injectors
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GL-1 Series Grease Injectors
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SDSGBLENEU-A, Box Lubricant
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Air/Oil AO Series Valves
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GLC 2200 Controller
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G3 Electric Lubrication Pump
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G1 Series Lubrication Pumps
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High Speed Spindl-Gard
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SaniForce Equipment Catalog
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Fine Finish Sprayers Brochure
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Graco ILE Buyer's Guide
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AirPro Brochure
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Electric Sprayers Brochure
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RS Resin Spray Guns
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Archived catalogs
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Triton 3D
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Reactor IP
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Style your process
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PD44 Dispensing System
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PCF Metering System
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MD2 Dispense Valve
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2 Pages
XM Plural-Component Sprayers
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Process Equipment
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Graco’s new Hydra-CleanTM
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Xtreme® Airless Sprayers
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Wood Finishing
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Paint finishing spray packages
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