Catalog excerpts
Foot-mounted helical-worm gear units with solid shaft Torque-arm-mounted helical-worm gear units with hollow shaft S(SF. SA. SAF. SAZ)S... Shaft Input helical-worm gear units Short-flange mounted helical-worm gear units with hollow shaft SA(SV SF, SAF, SAZ) SSJStt Combinatorial helical-worm gear units SF...Y.. Flange-mounted helical-worm gear units with solid shaft SA(S. SF, SAF, SAZ } ...S...R...ttlfrAWfi'&Sf*tS-Shaft input combinatorial helical-worm gear units Flange-mounted helical-worm gear units with hollow shaft SA(S. SF, SAF, SAZ) ...Y...*mffi^SEa!EK«SlrfemBft When equipping the user' s motor or the special one. The flange is required to be connected
Open the catalog to page 1QUALITY CREATE VALUE Bj? commerce & trade S Helical-worm gera units : Type Designations: filSSflS Output shaft aperture Position of output shaft or flange Position of the motor thermal box Mounting position #5!) lb Ratio $i$( Motor power, pole Motor code MfS Size Structure 3#iS#l2IM Gear units type
Open the catalog to page 2» SmnffiiS-MKMffMSn S Helical-worm gera units Mounting position (SflUS*J£sffifi Position of the motor thermal box Input power rating and permissible torque
Open the catalog to page 3QUALITY CREATE VALUE Bj? commerce & trade S Helical-worm gera units iiiUJlSB Gear unit weight Notes; 1)The large gear unit of multi-stage gear units must be fillied with the larger oil volume.
Open the catalog to page 4S Helical-worm gera units Output speed r/min
Open the catalog to page 5S Helical-worm gera units saama Output speed r/min
Open the catalog to page 9S Helical-worm gera units Output speed r/min
Open the catalog to page 13The power are all overload In the table. The decided torque according to operating condition should not more than gear units' nominal torque
Open the catalog to page 14Motor size Note:1.The housings of SAX SF^ SAF, SAZ are common parts.The mounting dimensions may consult each other.2.‘S,.'mean SAV SF, SAF% SAZ
Open the catalog to page 15When equipping the user's motor or the special one, the flange S. .547 is required to connected S..47R17 ii; NotsiFor other values please refer to the opp sited structure. Noteil.Thehousingsof SA, SF, SAF. SAZ are common parts. The mounting dimensions may consult each other.Z.'S.. 'mean S, SA. S F. SAF, SAZ
Open the catalog to page 16When equipping the user's motor or the special one, the flange is required to connected Note: For other values please refer to the oppslted structure. Motor size Note:1.The housings of SA. SF^ SAF, SAZ are common parts.The mounting dimensions may consult each other.2.‘S..'mean S. SA, SF, SAF. SAZ
Open the catalog to page 173136-o-s When equipping the user's motor or the special one, the flange S..S67 is required to connected S..67R37 NoteiFor other values please refer to the oppsited structure. Motor size ii: 1.SA. SF. SAF. SAZ5t#:AiaH#. S#*'Tf'ttnrfflS#*l.2.''S..,,*a1S. SA. SF. SAF. SAZ Note:1.Thehousingsof SA. SF, SAF. SAZ are common parts. The mounting dimensions may consult each other.2.-S.. 'mean S, SA. SF. SAF, SAZ
Open the catalog to page 18S Helical-worm gera units Mounting Dinension Sheets-overview Motor size Note:1.The housings of SAX SF^ SAF, SAZ are common parts.The mounting dimensions may consult each other.2.*S,.'mean S^ SAV SF, SAF% SAZ
Open the catalog to page 19When equipping the user's motor orthe special one, the flange S. . S87 is required to connected L2 S..87R57 Note:For other values please refer to the oppsited structure. Note:1.Thehousirigsof SA. SF, SAF. SAZ are common parts. The mounting dimensions may consult each other.2.-S.. "mean S, SA. SF. SAF, SAZ
Open the catalog to page 20S Helical-worm gera units Mounting Dinension Sheets-overview Motor size Note:1.The housings of SAX SF^ SAF, SAZ are common parts.The mounting dimensions may consult each other.2.*S,.'mean S^ SAV SF, SAF% SAZ
Open the catalog to page 21All GPHQ catalogs and technical brochures
XB gearbox
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R gearbox
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K gearbox
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F gearbox
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