Single Suction Dry Pit Pumps


Catalog excerpts

Single Suction Dry Pit Pumps - 1

PUMP «NOwiiDCi■rut*riiMmrNC ITTA-C<usiom PUMP STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES 4. CASINO, S.tfll« voljla. lynwteMCal Maigri pamli» eatiei Ooclmse o> conavUrM-u nraion wth txupM ■xpelle' ln'O* imtU twi. nnklng »- -uw* : p"Ov"eO ■■■■ ■ i. - ard ■ ■t.. Conoenlnc (*00* <»li IC tasrg awee end 8UC1O0 nouie BSSU'e 0050 or iiHiB, and eagnmani. BACK COVt Bi One p*t» Mck covet vxlfi "leptU Multkie bo> piovKWb a rqo bopon lo lits ttaanng Iremo. SUCTION COVER: Forma «ie««nged UW r«M» nia ta natal/ ipntoood to w o o«e on tho srmUBr IBurprno**» * large hand MH> ٕ pnmJM "1In* jCOixi noiOo loi IropOcOon anO cUanoul. imklui» Snoe-Buclon. enOoeen Va"** lo-"-~l by aoajrarOy Hl coras nuito evan irMXtaaaes and mtua MM* SINGLE SUCTION DRY PIT PUMPS t Md»no -*<a' Mien lu II» iirpvlei atiroud al *Օ soclon i"M>l wl n lha Sucoon COv9> Axial clous arce 0oa^> minmBos tasor Dr einxnaang gnl pocKeta Ettemei provision « made loi axial MMimam ol opaiaing oWa-enoea end «o te«*rJ leakage SHAFT: Ovarnung aM> aheft Maigri la anunNay nWiml ovoi n ont"c mjih Ko< umim arW "Veadea to" mounHng impoler nuD w* contovred kxxniil 7 SHAFT UHVt f*ar-«atW. end Woalina hoofced a贙 ;r p'ri-i-. mamvi aitparsM n w---:..i mM tWaaa o» Otstantan. "O* nngseelapKMNMM P'o van leaaage «lorfl *nan S BEARINGS: Aie ava4arno to* onsiio oi oi UOnraDon Siardeid aestg" uBivea a «cmoii une» radit baai-og and laperad roller »w*iul and n)Mi (upelnjaQ Deanm» Opaons incUde Datant kned sleeve type beartnga wik ohm pafl (ype nom Maing or aaemaie BTTangsmopU ai roQinslod VaiHHB Midi lof Oi ooolrg ard «ddV "e n»o siaiiHr when leoiesied 9 BCARMQ FRAME: CyiraKM, concerne type. c*u orlaDncotod BoHrtar^WaeiM tobacaoovc* to *TUF*if»OBOK:i"iey-Bi«Bi|<o«*ce*e« .Pat**.» Min apW gland ard lanlam rmg io faoUaw repecb-g ana idunncni ki and oui waior connaedona ara Ho pmMeoL ROTATING ELEMENT: Bar* pUI OU date» oeimits STANDARD MATERIALS: OwJiCovei SucaonCowr Impolie' SlM'l Sna>ls«eve liroolDi rno jO'iTicr lia Packing Gland Lantem Biog Cad -on. ASTM MB. CL 30 Caw -on. ASTM A4». Cl 30 Ca*t «on. ASTM A48. Cl 30 C*M >on ASTM A40. CL» Caton «ee>SAC '0*5 ◕00 wno siaiiUnit biw>-400 Mnes siainte» ne» aoo Mite* luumeu iieei Grapnito impiognaiod lenCn Bioue r..«4nf larnvy io. *c-ipt«iociti AUTHOBtZCD RSPRtStHTaiIVI SINCIE SUCTION DRV PIT PUMPS CAS! VOLUTE DESIGN TYPES: WSY. SSE, SSf A-C Hump A-C Pump ITT Industries ITT Industries >'tinrent/ ht lifr

Open the catalog to page 1
Single Suction Dry Pit Pumps - 2

Untitled-1.psd table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:4.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:5.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:8.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:9.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font8 { font:4.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font9 { font:7.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font10 { font:13.00pt "Franklin Gothic Medium", sans-serif; }...

Open the catalog to page 2

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