Catalog excerpts

Capacities from 50 pounds to 5 tons Performance l-Beam Jibs Enclosed Track Work Station Jibs Articulating Jibs Light Duty Tool Suspension Jibs PIVOT PRO® Vacuum Sealed Jibs
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Why Choose Gorbel® Products? 1 2 3 Industry’s Best Warranty We are proud to offer a ten year (20,000 hour) warranty on manually operated crane systems. With this warranty, our customers are guaranteed years of quality, dependable service. 4 5 Quick Ship Programs Gorbel offers a 5-Day Quick Ship program which means that most cranes and most components can ship in five working days. Fast, reliable, on time shipments are just one of many ways Gorbel is working with our customers to make it easier to purchase our products. Optional two and three day shipments are also available at a premium....
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Performance Jibs Motorized Rotation Jib Cranes Why a Gorbel® Motorized Jib Crane? Performance Jibs Gorbel® Motorized Jibs are not mere adaptations. They are totally conceived as motorized products, with all the outstanding features of our standard jib cranes, plus these: Control • Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) are standard on all Motorized Jib Cranes. The drive can be configured for single or multiple speeds Long Life • Precision drive assembly with field adjustable torque limiter for added drive protection • Worm gear reducer with oil bath lubrication for reliable operation and low...
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Free Standing Jib Cranes Performance Jibs For heavy duty, high productivity applications Free Standing Jib Cranes are Gorbel’s most versatile crane. They are perfect to place underneath large bridge cranes, in open areas where they can serve several work stations, in outdoor applications such as loading docks, or in machining and assembly operations where they can be overlapped with other jibs to provide staged operation. Gorbel’s Advantage: Ease of Operation • Allows operators to position loads precisely, effortlessly and efficiently • Precision tapered roller bearings in top pivot and...
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Wall Bracket Jib Cranes An economical heavy duty solution The Wall Bracket (WB100) Jib is the most economical means of providing hoist coverage for individual use in bays, along walls or columns of plants, or as a supplement to an overhead crane or monorail system. Two key requirements must be met before applying the Wall Bracket Series: 1. A structurally adequate wall or column to support the jib must exist 2. Sufficient clearance above the boom throughout its arc to accommodate the tie rod suspension must exist Gorbel’s Advantage: Ease of Movement • Low dead weight of the boom combined...
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Wall Cantilever Jib Cranes An ideal jib for maximizing headroom The Wall Cantilever (WC200) provides hoist coverage and 200° rotation for individual use in bays, along walls or columns of plants, or as a supplement to an overhead crane or monorail system. The jib has the advantage of providing maximum lift for the hoist, since it can be installed very close to the underside of the lowest ceiling obstruction. Two key requirements must be met before applying the Wall Cantilever Series: 1. A structurally adequate wall or column to support the jib must exist 2. Sufficient clearance above the...
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Mast Type Jib Cranes Reduced thrust and pull forces, no foundation required Gorbel’s Advantage: Economical • Simple, efficient design that usually requires no special foundation makes the Mast Type Cranes the most cost effective of the 360° rotation jib styles Exerts Less Force On Building Structure • Exerts the least amount of force of any Gorbel® jib on its supporting structure Safety • Utilizes a self-aligning radial bushing at the top which cannot be displaced, and an identical self-aligning radial bushing at the bottom which, when used in combination with an oil-impregnated bronze...
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Work Station Jib Cranes Lighter capacity, easy rolling enclosed track jibs Gorbel® Work Station Jib Cranes provide excellent coverage in circular areas not efficiently served by a main crane. They’re ideal for supporting tool balancers, air balancers, hoists, vacuum lifters and welding wire feeders. And they can handle up to 200° rotation when column or wall mounted, and up to 360° rotation when floor mounted. Gorbel’s Advantage: Easy Movement Gorbel® Work Station Jib Cranes are easier to move and position than traditional I-beam jibs. The cold-formed, highstrength enclosed track design...
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Enclosed Track Jibs WSJ360 Free Standing Work Station Jib Cranes WSJ200 Wall Cantilever Work Station Jib Cranes AL100 Wall Bracket Work Station Jib Cranes TSJ50 & TSJ150 Tool Solution Jib Cranes 360° Rotation In most cases, Gorbel® WSJ360 Free Standing Series Jib Cranes can be bolted directly to your existing floor without adding special foundations (see the specific product information on the pages that follow for more details). Installation and adjustment are easy with our eccentric cam followers. Free Standing Work Station Jibs are available in capacities to 1000 lb. and spans up to 16’....
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WSJ360 Free Standing Work Station Jibs: 360° Rotation A (Span) H T G D C (Overall Height) B (Height Under Boom) E F WSJ360 L Base Bolt Patterns WSJ360 is available in stainless steel for models with 250 or 500 lb. capacities. Jib crane foundation requirements are based on a soil pressure of 2500# per square foot. Concrete recommended for jib crane foundation is 3000# per square inch of compressive force. Standard hoist trolley and end stops included in the base price. Festooning, anchor bolts and installation templates are optional. Hoist by others. Dimensions and design details subject to...
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WSJ200 Wall Cantilever Work Station Jibs: 200° Rotation A (Span) 7” TYP B T G 3” TYP WSJ200 O5/8” Hardware (Provided by others) CAPACITY 150# 250# 500# 1000# H 10” D SPAN (A) MODEL NUMBER TRACK SERIES WEIGHT 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ WSJ200-150-8 WSJ200-150-10 WSJ200-150-12 WSJ200-150-14 WSJ200-150-16 WSJ200-250-8 WSJ200-250-10 WSJ200-250-12 WSJ200-250-14 WSJ200-250-16 WSJ200-500-8 WSJ200-500-10 WSJ200-500-12 WSJ200-500-14 WSJ200-500-16 WSJ200-1000-8 WSJ200-1000-10 WSJ200-1000-12 WSJ200-1000-14 WSJ200-1000-16 250 250 250 500 500 250 250 500...
Open the catalog to page 16All Gorbel catalogs and technical brochures
1 Pages
Articulating Jib Cranes
8 Pages
Gantry Cranes
8 Pages
4 Pages
Seismic Zone IV
4 Pages
Tool Solutions Jibs
12 Pages
Ergonomic Overview
16 Pages
Archived catalogs
Work Station Jib Cranes
10 Pages
Ergonomic Lifting Solutions
12 Pages