OL 730C Radiometer/ Photometer


Catalog excerpts

OL 730C Radiometer/ Photometer - 1

tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:12.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:34.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } OPTRONIC LABORATORIES, I Emphflsllng Precieton and Accuracy

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OL 730C Radiometer/ Photometer - 3

tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:12.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:13.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:14.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:25.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:14.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } ACCESSORIES A large slection of accessones ts available (or use wtth the OL 730C Thse accessones mclude: 騕Dctectors Input Optic Modules Օ Optical Filters Calibration Standards The accessones enable the user to taik>r the OL 730C for a multitude of mea-su rement...

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OL 730C Radiometer/ Photometer - 4

Boen Tysk_neu.qxp (Page 1) tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:4.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:8.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:9.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:17.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font8 { font:23.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font9 { font:7.00pt "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif; } Calibration Standards Calhotion & Measurement Optranic...

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