Group: Goizper Group
Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1HYDRAULIC CLUTCH-BRAKE COMBINATIONS 15 HYDRAULIC CLUTCH-BRAKE SERIES 21 Conventional and progressive clutch-brake unit Series B.21/B.22 22 Conventional and progressive clutch-brake unit Series B.23/B.24 22 Conventional and progressive clutch-brake unit Series B.25/B.2B 24 Conventional and progressive clutch-brake unit Series B.27/B.28 24 Conventional clutch-brake with housing Series B.23.__.910 26 Progressive clutch-brake with housing Series B.24.__.910 26 Conventional clutch-brake with housing S eries B.27.__.910 26 Progressive clutch-brake with housing Series B.28.__.910 26 HYDRAULIC...
Open the catalog to page 2TECHNICAL INFORMATION INFORMACIÓN TÉCNICA This catalogue shows the full range of hydraulic clutches, brakes, clutch-brake combinations, spring set safety brakes and accessories. En el presente catálogo, dedicado a nuestras líneas de conjuntos freno-embragues hidráulicos y sus accesorios, así como embragues y frenos hidráulicos separados, les ofrecemos nuestros modelos más actualizados de acuerdo a nuestros últimos desarrollos. This chapter explains the basic concepts and formulas for the calculation and selection of clutchbrakes for each application. En este apartado se definen y explican...
Open the catalog to page 3Residual torque Mr: torque transmitted when the system is not actuated. It depends on mounting position, (horizontal, vertical, or inclined), speed related to disc surface, oil flow, & viscosity. When vertical or inclined mounting, the residual torque increases very much, so the generated heat is increased as well. Loading torque ML: necessary torque to activate the elements in the machine, taking into account its performance, the action speed, etc. Characteristical torque Mk: It is the torque indicated in the catalogue. Acceleration torque Ma (deceleration torque when the value is...
Open the catalog to page 4It is important to consider the moment of inertia “J” before making the following calculations. For example, the moment of inertia of a solid iron cylinder which is 100mm thick with an outer diameter D (in mm) is obtained with the following formulation: Es importante para los distintos cálculos que se indican posteriormente considerar el concepto de momento de inercia “J”. Así por ejemplo, el momento de inercia de un cilindro macizo de hierro de 100 mm de espesor, siendo su diámetro exterior D (en m), se obtiene de la fórmula: When the moment of inertia is not referred to the clutch shaft,...
Open the catalog to page 5HYDRAULIC CLUTCH-BRAKES: FRENO-EMBRAGUES HIDRÁULICOS: BRAKING PROCESS Designed for wet operation, using tempered steel against sintered bronze. Diseñados para trabajo en aceite, emplean superficies de acero templado frente a sinterizado de bronce. To calculate the slip time during the brake engagement t3, the following formula is used: Para el cálculo del tiempo de deslizamiento durante el proceso de frenado t3, se emplea la siguiente fórmula: The friction surfaces have been designed with radial slots and spiral grooves, taking into account (among other factors) the thermal load, the...
Open the catalog to page 6Please find below two examples of measurements taken by an oscilloscope; the first refers to the clutch engagement whereas the second one shows the brake engagement of a hydraulic clutch-brake: A continuación se pueden ver dos ejemplos de mediciones reales realizadas con osciloscopio; el primero muestra el proceso de embragado mientras que el segundo es sobre el proceso de frenado de un freno-embrague hidráulico: TORQUE CALCULATION FOR AN ECCENTRIC PRESS Para el cálculo del par necesario en una prensa excéntrica, se emplea la siguiente fórmula: To calculate the necessary torque in an...
Open the catalog to page 8INTRODUCTION TO COMBINED HYDRAULIC CLUTCH-BRAKES INTRODUCCIÓN A LOS FRENO- EMBRAGUES HIDRÁULICOS COMBINADOS PROGRESSIVE CLUTCHING AND BRAKING ARRANQUE Y FRENADA PROGRESIVOS Hydraulic clutch-brake combinations are mainly used in mechanical presses, shears, punching machines and other applications that require high number of strokes per minute as well as an accurate start/stop operation. Their advantage in these applications is due to their silent operations, low inertia, power savings, and minimal maintenance. Los freno-embragues hidráulicos combinados se emplean especialmente en prensas,...
Open the catalog to page 9PRODUCT RANGE Standard GOIZPER sizes offer a wide range of operating torque. By adding more discs, the brake and clutch torque gradually increases from the standard rating. The compact outer diameter remains the same while the length increases slightly. En primer lugar, la oferta de GOIZPER presenta una amplia gama de pares de funcionamiento, pues de cada tamaño standard se puede pasar a versiones con más láminas, aumentando los pares de freno y embrague dentro de un modelo de igual diámetro exterior con un pequeño incremento de la longitud. In all clutch torque ratings are static, in an...
Open the catalog to page 11Series 6.21 (Conventional / Convencional) 6.22 (Progressive / Progresivo) HYDRAULIC CLUTCH-BRAKE UNIT / FRENO-EMBRAGUE HIDRÁULICO SERIES SIZE Number of discs clutch / brake Dynamic Brake Torque (Nm) 6 Static Clutch Torque (Nm) Fijación al eje por chavetas y entrada de aceite por el eje. Mounting on the shaft by keys and oil inlet through the shaft. Series 6.23 (Conventional / Convencional) 6.24 (Progressive / Progresivo) Fijación por chavetas y entrada de aceite por el moyú. Mounting on the shaft by keys and oil inlet through the hub. Posición de los agujeros roscados con respecto a los...
Open the catalog to page 12Series 6.25 (Conventional / Convencional) 6.26 (Progressive / Progresivo) HYDRAULIC CLUTCH-BRAKE UNIT / FRENO-EMBRAGUE HIDRÁULICO SERIES SIZE Dynamic Brake Torque (Nm) Mounting on the shaft by locking ring sleeves on the clutch side, and oil inlet through the shaft. Static Clutch Torque (Nm) Number of discs clutch / brake Fijación por anillo de presión por el lado del embrague y entrada de aceite por el eje. Series 6.27 (Conventional / Convencional) 6.28 (Progressive / Progresivo) Mounting by locking ring sleeves on the clutch side at the end of the shaft and oil inlet through the hub....
Open the catalog to page 13All GOIZPER catalogs and technical brochures
Compact drives
2 Pages
23 Pages
GUIBE Catalogue
12 Pages
smart G
4 Pages
8 Pages
Servo Safety Brakes
4 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
27 Pages
UGI 80 Catalogue
6 Pages
Serie 6.11 CATALOGUE
23 Pages