RHEOGRAPH 20 / 25 / 75 / 120
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RHEOGRAPH 20 / 25 / 75 / 120 - 1


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RHEOGRAPH 20 / 25 / 75 / 120 - 2

HIGH PRESSURE CAPILLARY RHEOMETER Single- or multi barrel system for determination of the flow- and viscosity function The RHEOGRAPH 20, 25, 50, 75 and 120 with CAN-Bus technology were developed with the experience and potential from more than 40 years of the numerous generations before. A higher rate of automation and user friendliness, a wide shear rate range as well as a testforce, which might be sufficient for many applications come as a standard. Many useful options and nonstandard features can be realized. The integrated color touchscreen, the automatic pressure transducer detection...

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RHEOGRAPH 20 / 25 / 75 / 120 - 3

Increased accuracy with improvements to the pressure measurement! As an example, a 2000 bar pressure transducer now resolves down to only 0.1 bar, or using a 30.000 PSI transducer that resolves down to only 1.5 PSI. -0,1 Percentage of the nominal pressure [%] The initial situation of the old machine generation Figure 2: Detection of the repeatability with the RHEOGRAPH 2003/6000 at the example of Polycarbonate (or method used currently by all other manufacturers) Figure 3: Detection of the repeatability with the RHEOGRAPH 120 with optimized signal preparation In the figure (3) the same...

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RHEOGRAPH 20 / 25 / 75 / 120 - 4

Options in Detail Determination of Flow Instabilities (Shark-Skin) • Measuring cell for detection of the Shark-Skin effect • Consisting of slit die, 3 new designed and higher frequented sensors (sample rate up to 20 kHz), as well as Software package • Determination of the frequency spectrum and the statistical evaluation of the pressure signal • Used for optimization in extrusion, film- and coating process Thermal Conductivity • Measurement of heat conductivity • Temperature range up to 450°C, pressure up to 1000 bar • Developed according to ASTM D5930 • Test probe with integrated heater...

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RHEOGRAPH 20 / 25 / 75 / 120 - 5

Pressure dependance of the viscosity, the Counter Pressure Chamber • • • • • Determination of the pressure coefficient Determination of the critical wall shear stress for wall slip Maximum mean pressure (Pm) 1200 bar Temperature range up to 400 °C Optimization of the flow process in converting machinery (injection molding, extrusion tools with long flow paths, melt pumps) RHEOTENS / HAUL-OFF • Measurement of melt extensional viscosity according to model Wagner • Usable for nearly all materials • Stepless variable speed from 0-114 m/min (HAUL-OFF 0-2000 m/min) • Linear or exponential...

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RHEOGRAPH 20 / 25 / 75 / 120 - 6

LABRheo Network capable Software system for parameterization, measurement and evaluation Functions Ease of use, covering a wide range of application needs, this software offers an all in one solution tool. • • • • • • • • Use of Microsoft ACCESS Database Freely configurable display of data tables and graphics Continuous display of the device status Automated acquisition of all test instrument data Online help, self-diagnostic and info fields to help the user Open platform for user specified fields and filters for measurements Managed access rights for more data security Script controlled...

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RHEOGRAPH 20 / 25 / 75 / 120 - 7

Performance data Test barrel geometry Force range Range: +5°C higher than room temperature up to 400°C (option 500°C) Temperature control algorithm, Display +/- 0.01°C Temperature control: 3x Pt100 sensor 5 Temperature calibration and control data set Integrated timer for temperature set value Other geometries on request Servo drive, resolution 0.0000016 mm Test piston speed range 0.00004 - 40 mm/sec (0.0024 - 2400 mm/min.) Drive torque monitoring and display Continuous variable control of test piston movement Pressure transducers / Accuracy 0.2 % of range Force transducers / Accuracy class...

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RHEOGRAPH 20 / 25 / 75 / 120 - 8

We take care of our instruments; you take care of its measurements. Our reputation in each other‘s hands. GOETTFERT Inc. 488 Lakeshore Parkway Rock Hill, SC 29730 USA Tel : +1 (803) 324 3883 Fax: +1 (803) 324 3993 info@goettfert.com www.goettfert.com GOETTFERT (China) Limited 2-1211 Xiaoyun Tower, No. 15 Xiaguangli Chaoyang District Beijing 100027 China Tel : +86-10-84832051 Fax: +86-10-84832053 info@goettfert-china.com www.goettfert-china.com GOETTFERT - Dataphysics Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. P - 84A, C.I.T. Road Scheme - VM Calcutta - 700 010 India Tel: +91-9339867536...

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