Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series


Catalog excerpts

Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 3


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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 4

THE COMPANYDAS UNTERNEHMEN LENTREPRISE LA EMPRESA > Nata nel corso degli anni sessanta, G.M. Srl Ghirri Motoriduttori si imposta in un mercato che non lascia spazio allimprovvisazione, grazie all蒒efficienza, qualit e professio- nalit unitamente ad un costante impegno profuso nel campo della ricerca e allࠒutilizzo di tecnologie di produzione tra le pi avanzate.Oggi un騒impresa che sorge su unarea di 2mila metri quadrati e che attraverso un lavoro altamente qualificato di tecnici e collaboratori ha saputo guadagnarsi la stima e la fiducia dei propri clienti e ad ampliare la propria area di...

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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 5

LҒentreprise produit une vaste gamme de rducteurs de petite et moyenne puissance, soit: rducteurs 驠 vis sans fin raliss en version tradictionnelle ou avec car- casse carr驩e (Srie MRV-MV); rducteurs 驠 vis sans fin avec precouple engrenages cylindriques hli- co੯daux (Srie MCRV-MCV); rducteurs coaxiaux (S驩rie MG); rducteurs plantaires (S驩rie MEP); rducteurs axes orthogonaux (S頩rie MO). Des excutions spciales (limiteurs de couple, dispositifs de d驩clenche- ment rapide, prdispositions pour encodeurs ou dispositifs de fin de course) ou bien des excutions personnalis驩es selon la spcification du...

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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 7

Potenza entrata P1 (Kw.) Input rated power Eingangsleistung Puissance dגentre Potencia de entrada Velocit鷠 albero entrata N1 (min-1)N2 (min-1)M2 (Nm.) I In Ir fs Fr1 (N)Fr2 (N)Fa2 (N) Input speed Antriebswelle-Drehzahl Vitesse arbre dגentre Velocitad eje de entrada Velocit跠 albero in uscita Output speed Abtriebswelle-Drehzahl Vitesse arbre de sortie ׷ Velocitad eje de salida Momento torcente uscita Otput torque Ausgangsdrehmoment GetriebeCouple de sortie ׷ Par de salida Rapporto di riduzione Reduction ratio Untersetzungsverhפltnis Rapport de rduction Relaci鷳n de reduccin Rapporto nominale...

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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 8

Le caratteristiche costruttive salienti dei riduttori a vite senza fine MV sono : > - Mr2 (Nm) = Momento torcente in uscita richiesto.- Nr2 (giri/min.) = Velocit albero in uscita richiesta.- Conoscendo la coppia ModularitԠ e compattezza Mr2 e la velocit in uscita, ricavare la potenza in uscita richiesta: Fissaggio universale Ԕ Otto grandezze: 25 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 63 - 75 - 90 - 110 Cassa in alluminio ( non verniciata ) Pr2 (kw) = Mr2 ԕ Nr2 9550 Ԕ Viti senza fine in acciaio 16CrNi4 cementate, temprate e rettificate Ruote in bronzo GCuSn12 UNI 7013 Elevati rendimenti Ԕ Basso livello di...

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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 9

Rendimento Dinamico ( H d) - Mr2 (Nm) = Momento torcente in uscita richiesto.- dato dal rapporto H d = P2 P1Tale rendimento quello che si ottiene sui riduttori funzionanti a regime dopo il rodaggio; ed 訨 quello utilizzato per calcolare i dati di coppia M2 riportati a catalogo. Per raggiungere tale valore necessario un adeguato rodaggio o comunque un certo lasso di tempo, che varia a seconda del rapporto di riduzione, per i servizi intermittenti. Nr2 (giri/min.) = Velocit albero in uscita richiesta.- Tipo di applicazione: a. Natura del caricob. Frequenza degli avviamenti1 Con l'aiuto delle...

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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 10

The principle construction characteristics of MV worm gear reducers are as follows: > - Mr2 (Nm) = Required output torque.- Nr2 (rpm/min.) = Required output speed. - Knowing the output torque Modularity and compactness Mr2 and the output speed, find out the required output power: Ԕ Universal mounting Eight sizes: 25 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 63 - 75 - 90 - 110 Ԕ Aluminium housing (no paintwork) Pr2 (kw) = Mr2 Nr2 9550 Ք Steel worm screws 16CrNi4 casehardened, tempered and refaced Bronze gears GCuSn12 UNI 7013 Ԕ High efficiency levels Low noise level - Type of application: a. Type of loadb. Starting...

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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 11

Dynamic Efficiency ( H d) - Mr2 (Nm) = Required output torque.- Is obtained from the ratio between H d = P2 P1 Nr2 (rpm/min.) = Required output speed.- Type of application: a. Type of loadb. Starting frequency1 Calculate the required service factor Efficiency increases and stabilises after a running-in period of a few hours. Torque M2 given in this catalogue are based on the values of dynamic efficiency. Static Efficiency Fsr , considering the type of the application, with the help of F1 , F2 , F3 tables: ( H s) Fsr = F1F2ՕF3 Its the start-up efficiency. It is a very important element for...

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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 12

Die wesentlichen Kontruktionsmerkmale der MV-Schneckengetrieben sind folgende: > - Mr2 (Nm) = erfolderliches Abtriebsdrehmoment- Nr2 (U/min.) = erforderliche Abtriebsdrehzahl der Welle- Ist das Moment Baukasten- und Kompaktsystem Mr2 und die Abtriebsdrehzahl bekannt, so kann die erforderliche Ausgangsleistung wie folgt kalkuliert werden: Ԕ Universalbefestigung Acht GrԶssen: 25 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 63 - 75 - 90 - 110 Alu-GehԤuse (unlackiert) Pr2 (kw) = Mr2 Nr2 9550 Ք EinsatzgehԤrtete, gehrtete und geschliffene Schnecken aus Stahl 16CrNi4 Rder aus Bronze GCuSn12 UNI 7013 䤔 Hoher Wirkungsgrad...

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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 13

Dynamisches Wirkungsgrad ( H d) - Mr2 (Nm) = erforderliches Abtriebsdrehmoment- errechnet sich zu H d = P2 P1 Nr2 (U/min.) = erforderliche Abtriebsdrehzahl der Welle- Anwendungstyp: a. Art der Belastungb. Anlaufhufigkeit1 Durch die auf der Seite 13 dargestellten Tafeln Statisches Wirkungsgrad Dieses Wirkungsgrad wird bei den nach Einlaufen bei Betriebsdrehzahl lau- fenden Getrieben erreicht und dient zur Berechnung der im Katalog aufge- fhrten Momente M2. Um diesen Wert zu erreichen, ist eine angemessene Einlaufzeit und jedenfalls einen gewissenen Zeitraum n伶tig, der fr die Aus-...

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Worm gear unit and geared motors MV MV/V/MCV Series - 14

Les caractristiques constructives importantes des r驩ducteurs vis sans fin MV sont les suivantes: - Mr2 (Nm) = moment de torsion demand ੠ la sortie- Nr2 (tours/min) = vitesse arbre demande la sortie- En connaissant le couple Mr2 et la vitesse 頠 la sortie, calculer la puissance demande la sortie: 頔 Excution modulaire et compacte Fixation type universel Pr2 (kw) = Mr2 锕 Nr2 9550 Huit grandeurs: 25 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 63 - 75 - 90 - 110 Ԕ Caisse en aluminium ( non vernie ) Ԕ Vis sans fin en acier 16CrNi4, cmentes, tremp驩es et rectifies Roues en bronze GCuSn12 UNI 7013 - Genre dapplication: a....

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