PowerFLEX™ BIPV - 250/275/300W


Catalog excerpts

PowerFLEX™ BIPV - 250/275/300W - 1

SOLARs 75/3 LEX BI Designed specially for rooftops Int٩grtes with roofing surface No mounting hardware ╕ No roof penetrations No wind load Flexible module Օ Fits many roof types Durable, non-breakable Light weight Օ 3.5 kg/m2 (0.7 lb/ft2) with adhesive No structural reinforcement required More energy per roof High efficiency CIGS Օ 10.5% to 12.6% aperture efficiency 50% more efficient than flexible a-Si High performance Օ Performs in all light conditions Shade tolerant Covers entire roof area Օ Lays flat. No tilt required Minimum module spacing required Lower installed system costs Large format module Օ 250-300 Watts 5.75m x 0.49m dimensions Օ 30% to 40% savings in BOS & installation costs More power per roof with lower BOS & installation costs This is your roof This is your roof with tilted solar panels How PowerFLEX BIPV compares f Location: Munich Fixed Area Installation This is your roof with PowerFLEX BIPV Power Generated (kW) 54% 86% 41% 29% More surface area covered ance equals PowerFLEXٙ BIPV _ a-Si laminate (flat) c-Si (tilted) ח CIGS (tubes) CdTe (tilted) power to you

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PowerFLEX™ BIPV - 250/275/300W - 2

PowerFLEX BIPV 250/275/300W Electrical Sp٩cifications* Capacity rating P max 300 W 275 W 250 W Tolrance of Pmax % ± 7% ± 7% ± 7% Module aperture area efficiency % 12.6% 11.5% 10. 5% Rated voltage Vmpp 53.9 V 50. 3 V 46. 5 V Rated current Impp 5.6 A 5. 5 A 5.4 A Open circuit voltage Voc 71.2 V 68.4 V 65. 7 V Short circuit current Isc 6.4 A 6. 3 A 6.2 A J *Measured at (STC) Standard Test Conditions: 25°C, 1 kW/m2 insolation, AM 1.5 Temperature Coefficients Maximum power Voltage at Maximum Power Open circuit voltage Short circuit current -0.43%/°C -0.38%/°C -0.33%/°C -0.03%/°C Mechanical...

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