Acoustic Camera – the Original


Catalog excerpts

Acoustic Camera – the Original - 1

Acous�c Camera – the Original Sound Localiza�on with the Acous�c Camera The Acous�c Camera is a lightweight, modular and flexible system for localiza�on, visualiza�on and analysis of sound sources in a loca�on-, �me- and frequency-selec�ve manner. gfai tech’s Acous�c Camera was the first commercially usable system for localizing acous�c emissions. Launched in 2001 as a pioneering technology, it became a metaphor for beamforming systems. Components of the Acous�c Camera System AC Pro Microphone Array Data Recorder All-in-One Soundcam Mikado All-in-One Soundcam Octagon The mobile device enables simple, fast and efficient iden�fica�on of noise sources. The perfect solu�on for troubleshoo�ng sound and vibra�on problems. This powerful acous�c tool pinpoints sound emissions of demanding measurement tasks. 192 MEMS microphones guarantee high accuracy with the highest dynamic. Complete workflow: measurement, analysis and report 3D beamforming, acous�c holography and sound intensity Specialized array geometries for various applica�ons Mobile data acquisi�on with up to 100 sensors Detec�on from low frequencies to lower ultrasound Advanced algorithms for in-depth analysis 2D and 3D acous�c spectral photos and movies Measuring smallest objects to large-scale technology Noise reduc�on, sound design and fault detec�on Automo�ve and aeroacous�cs tes�ng in wind tunnels Pass-by of vehicles, sound emissions of rail, marine & avia�on Industrial maintenance and leakage detec�on Quality control and troubleshoo

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Acoustic Camera – the Original - 2

PRODUCT OVERVIEW Microphone Arrays We have designed various microphone array types and sizes for different measurement requirements. Moreover, our individually configurable array systems can be adapted to costumer-specific needs. Sound Intensity Measurements Near Field and Holography Measurements All-in-one AC Mikado Scan the QR-code for more informa�on AC_Overview_V02.01(10-23) gfai tech GmbH Volmerstraße 3, 12489 Berlin, Germany E-Mail: Tel.: +49 (0)30 81 45

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