Catalog excerpts
Acous�c Camera – the Original Sound Localiza�on with the Acous�c Camera The Acous�c Camera is a lightweight, modular and flexible system for localiza�on, visualiza�on and analysis of sound sources in a loca�on-, �me- and frequency-selec�ve manner. gfai tech’s Acous�c Camera was the first commercially usable system for localizing acous�c emissions. Launched in 2001 as a pioneering technology, it became a metaphor for beamforming systems. Components of the Acous�c Camera System AC Pro Microphone Array Data Recorder All-in-One Soundcam Mikado All-in-One Soundcam Octagon The mobile device enables simple, fast and efficient iden�fica�on of noise sources. The perfect solu�on for troubleshoo�ng sound and vibra�on problems. This powerful acous�c tool pinpoints sound emissions of demanding measurement tasks. 192 MEMS microphones guarantee high accuracy with the highest dynamic. Complete workflow: measurement, analysis and report 3D beamforming, acous�c holography and sound intensity Specialized array geometries for various applica�ons Mobile data acquisi�on with up to 100 sensors Detec�on from low frequencies to lower ultrasound Advanced algorithms for in-depth analysis 2D and 3D acous�c spectral photos and movies Measuring smallest objects to large-scale technology Noise reduc�on, sound design and fault detec�on Automo�ve and aeroacous�cs tes�ng in wind tunnels Pass-by of vehicles, sound emissions of rail, marine & avia�on Industrial maintenance and leakage detec�on Quality control and troubleshoo
Open the catalog to page 1PRODUCT OVERVIEW Microphone Arrays We have designed various microphone array types and sizes for different measurement requirements. Moreover, our individually configurable array systems can be adapted to costumer-specific needs. Sound Intensity Measurements Near Field and Holography Measurements All-in-one AC Mikado Scan the QR-code for more informa�on AC_Overview_V02.01(10-23) gfai tech GmbH Volmerstraße 3, 12489 Berlin, Germany E-Mail: Tel.: +49 (0)30 81 45
Open the catalog to page 2All Gfai tech GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
Data Recorder gt4 Series
2 Pages
Noise & Vibration
13 Pages
Impulse Hammer WaveHitMAX
2 Pages
Soundcam Octagon
2 Pages
Data Recorder mcdRec
2 Pages