Catalog excerpts

Gesa Termómetros, S.L. Our company is now serving 50 years of presence in the European market Since our very beginning we devoted ourselves to the manufacture and commercialisation of precision instruments. We fabricate a wide range of standard instruments as well as under specification, but always according to standards such as DIN, ASTM, BS… In the course of this time we have gained great experience on our customer’s necessities both general and specific. Our products are effectively used in many areas comprehending: Shipyards and fishing industry Heating and refrigeration Chemical...
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PRESSION PRESSURE Manomètres Pressure gauges Robinets Valves TEMPERATURA TEMPÉRATURE TEMPERATURE Thermomètres en verre Glass thermometers Thermomètres à Cadran Dial thermometers Termómetros analógicos para diversos usos Thermomètres analogiques pour differentes applica�ons Analog thermometers for mul�ple purposes Registradores de datos / Dataloggers MEDIDORES DIGITALES COMPTEURS DIGITAUX DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS Enregistreurs de données Dataloggers Temperatura y humedad / Termohigrómetros Température et humidité / Thermo-Higromètres Temperature and Humidity / Therma- Hygrometer Termómetros...
Open the catalog to page 5
PRESSION PRESSURE Manomètres Pressure Gauges
Open the catalog to page 6
Pressure gauge with plas�c case Designed to monitor pressure in systems not subjected to vibra�ons. Suitable for all gaseous and liquid media that will not obstruct the pressure system or a�ack copper alloy parts. Especially designed for pneuma�c circuits, filters, pressure regulators... Manufactured according to EN 837-1 standards. STANDARD PARAMETERS Design: EN 837-1 Closing: Adjusted display Moun�ng: See a�ached diagram A or B Threaded connec�on: Ø 40: 1/8”BSPT; Ø 50-Ø 63: ¼”BSPT (UNE-EN 10226-1) IP protec�on: IP44 (EN 60529 / IEC 529) Accuracy: Class 2.5 Pressure limits: Sta�c: ¾ end of...
Open the catalog to page 7
Pressure gauge with case in carbon steel Designed to monitor pressure in systems not subjected to vibra�ons. Suitable for all gaseous and liquid media that will not obstruct the pressure system or a�ack copper alloy parts. Especially designed for pneuma�c and hydraulic circuits. Manufactured according to EN 837-1 standards. STANDARD PARAMETERS Design: EN 837-1 Closing: Adjusted Moun�ng: See a�ached diagram A or B Threaded connec�on: Ø 63: ¼”BSP; Ø 75: ⅜”BSP; Ø 100: ½”BSP (UNE-EN 10226-1) IP protec�on: IP54 (EN 60529 / IEC 529) Accuracy: Ø 63-Ø 75: Class 2.5 / Ø 100: Class 1.6 Pressure...
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Pressure gauge in stainless steel with sealed ring Especially designed for difficult opera�ng condi�ons like vibra�ons or rapid pressure changes. Suitable for use in systems with low viscosity that do not a�ack copper alloys such as cooling systems. Manufactured according to EN 837-1 standards. STANDARD PARAMETERS Design: EN 837-1 Closing: Sealed ring Moun�ng: See a�ached diagram A , B, C or D Threaded connec�on: Ø 63: ¼”BSP; Ø 80: ⅜”BSP; Ø 100: ½”BSP (UNE-EN 10226-1) IP protec�on: IP65 (EN 60529 / IEC 529) Accuracy: Class 1.6 Pressure limits: Sta�c: ¾ end of scale Oscilla�ng: ⅔ end of scale...
Open the catalog to page 9
Pressure gauge in stainless steel with bayonet closing Suitable for all gaseous and liquid media that will not obstruct the pressure system or a�ack copper alloy parts. Especially designed for difficult condi�ons of use, as there are vibra�ons or quick changes of pressure. Manufactured according to standard EN 837-1 STANDARD PARAMETERS Design: EN 837-1 Closing: Bayonet Moun�ng: See a�ached diagram A , B, C or D Threaded connec�on: Ø 63: ¼”BSP; Ø 100-Ø 150: ½”BSP (UNE-EN 10226-1) IP protec�on: IP65 (EN 60529 / IEC 529) Accuracy: Ø 63: Class 1.6; Ø 100-Ø 150: Class 1.0 Pressure limits: Sta�c:...
Open the catalog to page 10
Pressure gauge in stainless steel with sealed ring Especially designed for difficult operating conditions like vibrations or rap pressure changes. Suitable for use in systems with low viscosity that do not attack copper alloys such as cooling systems. Manufactured according to EN 837-1 standards. STANDARD PARAMETERS Design: EN 837-1 Closing: Sealed ring Mounting See attached diagram A , B, C or D Threaded connection Ø 63: ¼”BSP; Ø 80: ⅜”BSP; Ø 100: ½”BSP (UNE-EN 10226-1) IP protection IP65 (EN 60529 / IEC 529) Accuracy: Class 1.6 Pressure limits: Static: ¾ end of scale Oscillating: ⅔ end of...
Open the catalog to page 11
Pressure gauge in stainless steel with bay onet closing Suitable for all gaseous and liquid media that will not obstruct the pressure system or attack copper alloy parts. Especially designed for difficult conditions of use, as there are vibrations or quic changes of pressure. Manufactured according to standard EN 837-1 STANDARD PARAMETERS Design: EN 837-1 Closing: Bayonet Mounting See attached diagram A , B, C or D Threaded connection Ø 63: ¼”BSP; Ø 100-Ø 150: ½”BSP (UNE-EN 10226-1) IP protection IP65 (EN 60529 / IEC 529) Accuracy: Ø 63: Class 1.6; Ø 100-Ø 150: Class 1.0 Pressure limits:...
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Capsule pressure gauge with black steel case Capsule pressure gauges with elas�c element and moving parts in copper alloy manufactured according to EN 837-3 standards. Especially suitable for gaseous media not subjected to vibra�ons with a maximum temperature not higher than 100ºC. STANDARD PARAMETERS Design: EN 837-3 Closing: Bayonet Moun�ng: See a�ached diagram A Threaded connec�on: Ø 63: ¼”BSP; Ø 100: ½”BSP (UNE-EN 10226-1) IP protec�on: IP43 (EN 60529 / IEC 529) Accuracy: Ø 63: Class 1.6 / Ø 100: Class 1.0 Pressure limits: Sta�c: Full scale Oscilla�ng: 0.9 end of scale Maximum: Full...
Open the catalog to page 13
Capsule pressure gauge with zincked steel case Capsule pressure gauges with elas�c element and moving parts in copper alloy manufactured according to EN 837-3 standards. Especially suitable for gaseous media not subjected to vibra�ons with a maximum temperature not higher than 100ºC. STANDARD PARAMETERS Design: EN 837-3 Closing: Ring screwed to case Moun�ng: See a�ached diagram A Threaded connec�on: Ø 63: ¼”BSP; Ø 100: ½”BSP (UNE-EN 10226-1) IP protec�on: IP44 (EN 60529 / IEC 529) Accuracy: Class 1.6 Pressure limits: Sta�c: Full scale Oscilla�ng: 0.9 end of scale Maximum: Full scale...
Open the catalog to page 14All GESA TERMOMETROS catalogs and technical brochures
D22 series
1 Pages
D23 series
1 Pages
D33 series
1 Pages
D02 series
1 Pages
D03 series
1 Pages
D01 series
1 Pages
D32 series
1 Pages
D31 series
1 Pages
C0102 series
1 Pages
C0101 series
1 Pages
TP488R series
1 Pages
M0601 series
1 Pages
M0702 series
1 Pages
M0502 series
1 Pages
M0503 series
1 Pages
M0501 series
1 Pages
M0403 series
1 Pages
M0401 series
1 Pages
M0201 series
1 Pages
M0101 series
1 Pages
M0306S101 series
1 Pages
M0306 series
1 Pages
M0304 series
1 Pages
M0305 series
1 Pages
M0301 series
1 Pages
Pressure gauge with plastic case
24 Pages
V-shaped thermometer
45 Pages