GS Nexus 200C
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GS Nexus 200C - 1

Gerstenberg Schröder Nexus 200C S C R A P E D S U R FAC E H E AT E XC H A N G E R GS Nexus 200C Benefits: E N E R GY S AV I N G During production less energy is needed per production hour compared to other brands of the same capacity. The reduced energy requirement is a result of long term research of different cooling media in connection with an optimal scraper design and drive configuration. Additionally, we offer heat recovery systems to minimize the energy consumption. PROCE SS FLEXI B I LITY Each chilling tube operates with its individual cooling system and Nexus. The water attemperation unit is a stand-alone unit which individual drive, which offers high flexibility with respect to chilling fits perfectly under the motors. and scraping intensity of the product during processing. M AT E R I A L S H YG I E N I C D E S I G N Product contacting parts are made of stainless steel and chilling The machine is PED designed in accordance with EHEDG and tubes are made in carbon steel plated with hard chromium. CIP cycles can be performed fast and efficiently. Alternatively, other materials are available on request. The standard scraper system is the Bulldog system featuring According to Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/ four rows of plastic scrapers. Alternatively, rotor systems with EU, and ASME VIII div. 1. Other certifications can be delivered on improved floating scrapers facilitate easy maintenance and are available in a selection of different materials to suit your particular product application. The scrapers can be inspected and replaced without removing the rotor. This ensures less downtime. To ease dismounting of the rotor a service crane can be mounted on the top. O P T I M I Z AT I O N O F F LO O R S PAC E Multiple machines can be placed close to each other as all pipes and valves for the cooling system are mounted on top of the GS

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GS Nexus 200C - 2

* Approximately. ** Stand-alone unit. SPX FLOW Oestmarken 7, 2860 Soeborg, Denmark P: +45 70 278 222, F: +45 70 278 223 E: ■ SPX FLOW reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation. Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region. For more information visit...

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