EN GERBERcutter Z1 Composites Brochure
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EN GERBERcutter Z1 Composites Brochure - 2

MORE MORE MORE MORE FLEXIBLE. PRODUCTIVE. C O S T- E F F E C T I V E . P R O F I TA B I L I T Y. Choice of standard 3-tool or optional state-of-the-art powered reciprocating Pivex® cutting heads Touch screen adds increased control Gerber Technology has spent the last 50 years working side-by-side with companies all around the world to develop revolutionary new ways to bring their products to market. With Gerber’s innovative GERBERcutter® Z1, you now have an automated cutting system capable of maximizing your productivity and profitability, reducing work in process, shortening lead times and...

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EXPAND YOUR OPTIONS. GERBERcutter Z1 is the next generation computer-controlled, automated cutting system and the optimal solution for single-ply cutting of a wide range of challenging composite materials, upholstery fabric and technical textiles. Modular vision systems for printed apparel or stripe and plaid matching applications Conveyorized cutting belt delivers more accurately cut parts Safety paddles and four emergency stop buttons uphold operator safety Powerful Axis™ software delivers comprehensive reports, simplifies re-cutting and more GERBERconnect™ remote diagnostics monitors...

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SIMPLIFIED EXPANDABILITY The GERBERcutter Z1 is built upon a new distributed control system, the foundation upon which many powerful options like part identification, scan-to-cut and stripe or plaid matching can be added. By distributing the intelligence away from the main controller, the system is more modular and flexible, installation is simplified, processing power is significantly improved and the system is more reliable. The GERBERcutter Z1 operates according to your workflow. Powerful onboard tools, like the ability to save optimum settings for specific materials, or the option to...

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The GERBERcutter Z1 was designed and manufactured to be the ultimate cutting solution. But it takes a little something special on the inside to live up to such high expectations—that’s why the heart of this cutting edge machine is the state-of-the-art Axis™ software. Axis is an easy-to-use Windows®-based system that delivers significant productivity enhancements to simplify processes and boost precision. HERE’S HOW IT WORKS… A SIMP LE INTERFACE INCRE AS E S P RODUC TI V IT Y A new operator interface makes the workflow more intuitive even for a novice user, improving productivity while...

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P ICK UP WHERE YOU LEF T OF F Job recovery functionality helps you resume the cutting process at the precise point the job was interrupted due to a power outage, for example. LE T IT HANDLE THE SIMP LE S TUF F Wizards automate repetitive processes and accelerate preparation of the cut job. OP TIMIZE OUTP UT Users are able to monitor and electronically regulate the pressure of the knife to optimize the accuracy of cut parts. RE MOTE DIAGNOS TIC S The GERBERcutter Z1 is equipped with GERBERconnect remote diagnostics. In addition to automatically detecting your cutter’s status, GERBERconnect...

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ABOUT GE RBE R TEC H NOLO GY Gerber Technology provides integrated software and hardware solutions to more than 78,000 customers in the fashion & apparel, aerospace, construction, furniture, transportation, technical textiles, packaging and wind energy industries, including over 100 Fortune 500 companies in 134 countries. GERBERcutter, AutoMatch, ContourVision, Axis, Pivex and GERBERconnect are trademarks or registered trademarks of Gerber Technology LLC. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. © 2018 GERBER TECHNOLOGY LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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