Catalog excerpts

Company Profile / ^E^ffiTr Silicone Rubber Sheet & Film / ^fiMfa 1) Thermal Conductive Release Rubber sheet & Film GSC SeriesfAK^IifijW^IJjSqq 2) Silicone Sheet Composited with Glass Fiber GSG3360 Series /fi£|j#KGSG3360^5!l 3) Thermal Conductive and Anti- static Release Silicone Sheet GSG9617 Series / 4) Low Compression Set and Excellent Rebound Silicone Rubber Sheet GSG9710 Series / 5) Electro-conductive Silicone Sheet GSE Series / HH^UKGSE^U 6) Silicone Rubber Foam Sheet GSF Series / ?$M£flf KGSF^IJ 8) GSG9605/GSG9606/GSG9607 Low Hardness Series / ffififJt^Ujiqq 10) Various Silicone Rubber Sheet & Film / §^££flf feWSSlIilnn (1 )Silicone Rubber Sheet & Film with Embossment / $$&f9WMna (2)Consumer Products - Silicone Rubber Solution / ^ffliS^fflS^UiSS
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GENERAL SILICONES General Silicones Co., Ltd was established in 1 970. GS has been not only a major distributor of silicone material, but also an active silicone products manufacturer with decades of experience in silicone field, GS has the ability and capacity to provide a wide range of silicone products in automobile/consumer electronic/PC/medical industries. We welcome your inquiries and we are pleased to have the chance to serve you. Process Capability/^ifiib^] 1 -Multi Process. (Calender, Extrusion, Injection, Pultrusion and Compression Molding Process.) zmittogmim ° mm • mm • &m •...
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Thermal Conductive Release Rubber sheet & Film / mmmmmtesc&n The thermal conductive release sheet is mainly applied to LCD module and PCB process. It is used as the thermo-compression cushion for ACF (Anisotropic Conductive Film). This release sheet conveys the high heat from hot-press thermodes to ACF, and acts as a protection and cushion between the thermodes and ACF. mmmmnm • ^SUSSLCD module ^ PCB§S*I± • ^Mm^mmmiACFmmmmmmim • BM&mmmmzm^ - Outstanding thermal resistance / UfHMi& - Excellent durability / If jXtt - Excellent thermal conductivity / W^iMHJ - Easy to be released / iHStt^ -...
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* Teflon silicone rubber composite material / Wk^n^&WiWWWi'aM
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* Glass fiber & Silicone composite / WM$W^.nM
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* Glass fiber & Silicone composite / WM$W^.nM
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■ Standard Product Size / WMftWR^ ■ ■ Standard Reel / *I^ftm}f IS : -Plastic disc / mBMffi.
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Silicone Sheet Composited with Glass Fiber Two layers of low compression set silicone with glass fiber inner layer as reinforcement. Superior in low and high temperature withstanding, buffer and durability. - Strength enhanced with glass fiber inside, durable / 3l$MMffl$<§.iWBft ' HffliSiS - Excellent buffer and good resilience / MUlMbtl^ " ^ittf± - Temperature and pressure withstanding / H/mSHK14S - Non-toxic, weather resistant, not turning yellow / M.M ~~ Hfl^14f± -^Sffl - PCB bonding process / PCB^MS^I^K-n - FPC hot press process / FPC^M'I^K^iK-n - Various others / Jtftt!
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Thermal Conductive and Anti- static Release Silicone Sheet GSG9617 Series Sheets fabricated by using good thermal conductive and anti-static silicone material, used as buffer in bonding process. - High performance thermal conductive and buffer / W^i^W.WiMbJl^. - Anti-static / KHH'tt - Good temperature and pressure withstanding / H/mSHK14S - Non-toxic, weather resistant, not turning yellow / M.M ~~ Hfl^14f± Buffer for bonding process / I£"nffliUHfiH
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Low Compression Set and Excellent Rebound Silicone Rubber Sheet High resilience silicone sheet made of low compression set material, used as gap crammer on rugged surface for various processes. - Excellent buffer / WMMJl^ - Pressure and temperature withstand / If/mSHK14S - Non-toxic, weather resistant, not turning yellow / M.M ~~ Hfl^14f± -^Sffl - As buffer for heat press bonding process / H&lHii"nffliUfljll
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Electro-conductive Silicone Sheet GSE Series/?§fiH#|jf KGSE2r*?lJ Silicone rubber compound with carbon filler, volume resistance among 2-10O-cm, functions welI in conductivity, flexibility and buffer. Good as EMI and ESD shielding material. - Good conductibi I ity / Ulltt'fi - Heat resistant / jflMigjjS - Electronic consumer products, OA products , medical device, conductive gaskets for LCD displayer / ^fM/SMttfl!"?/SPP OA - Industrial parts: conductive cushion gasket / IUfflpp : Mi^MMA^MMMWi^ Structure / MnnfUs Electro-conductive Filler / IK^iH^ Release Liner / SW(WIIit)
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Silicone Rubber Foam Sheet GSF Series/fg)fii#|jf KGSF!&?lJ Foaming agent added into silicone material and heated to form silicone foam sheet which withstand temperature-20~200°C performs high in buffer and heat & noise control, not turning yellow. - Excellent buffer and resilience / WMttt}¥§. " Hittfi - Good obstruction to heat and noise / ISrai&ti jj JUiiila ib^J - Non-toxic, weather resistant, not turning yellow / M.M ~~ Hfl^14f± -^Sffl - Temperature withstand deadening / Sffi/mlteft'^lS - Heat preservation material / fS/m^fe - Gasket and sealing material / Sffi/m^Kffl^iffl Silicone...
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GENERAL SIUCONES Silicone Rubber Sheet & Film GSP Series This product is made of si I icone rubber with or without PET substrate that widely used in building LCD displayer, containing three primary functions: ^mSimSilWB (Silicone Rubber) ' Wffl PET SfrfbttSt ° igJgfflfr^HH Buffer/anti-slip/non-conductive/smooth/opaque / MWllh'MlWfflklW-M.lMlfcMyz " Custom made available / ^f&St ' J^n^^tm* ° Module fixed well after assembly / ^f^/SSffi^fS ' ISffill^^ilKj " Easy to rework and building the module / iSSfilBf ' WkJt&MMW.lt&i'k 0 Three surface friction for options: low, middle, high / MffaMiS, ^...
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Silicone Rubber Sheet & Film Low Hardness Series / fi£5sEJ»2r^'J The low hardness product I ine is designed based on hardness 1 5+1-5 shore A. Food grade sanitary secure silicone is used for such excellent environment-friendly green material of extremely good flexibiIity,anti-slip,grip and tensility that widely applied in kinds of living consumptive products. Uitl 5jS+/-5jSshore A^^Uiln^iJf&Stll-s; ' Sfflf^£±§ffi Flexible tender design of 1 5+1-5 shoreA. / SfMfififJSiSSt ' 1 5Jl+/-5®shore A F.D.A. grade sanitary security compliance material used. / MKffi'n $±§Jj£M:ftSS$£flf MSSJH °...
Open the catalog to page 15All General Silicones Co. catalogs and technical brochures
Multipurpose silicone sheets
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Thermal conductive sheets
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General Silicones products
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