Catalog excerpts

SAMPLING VALVES For best results and a safe sampling.
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INSTALLATION OF ACTUATOR WITHOUT DAMAGE OF PRODUCT TOUCHED GASKET - NO TWISTING OR SQUEEZING OF PTFE-BELLOW Product Overview BioCheck Sampling Valves Selection Chart Available Options Sampling into Bottle Rieger’s BioCheck aseptic valves allow easy and safe sampling of liquids from closed systems such as vessels and pipelines in aseptic as well as non-aseptic applications. The most important feature is the compact design providing integration into aseptic and hygienic production lines. The valve has a dead space free design, that can be easily cleaned and sterilized via CIP/SIP. The PTFE...
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BioCheck Series Selection Chart BioCheck Classic BioCheck Mini BioCheck Compact manual with Hand Wheel pneumatic NC with bracket (stroke limitation yes/no) BioCheck Combi self-closing Lever Lever for „open“ Position pneumatic with Lever removable Lever 1 PROCESSCONNECTION For other actuators see Catalogue. Tank Welding Ø 29 mm Pipe Welding large DN 50 1 Varivent Inline Housing / Available with 1 or 2 ports / Available with 1 or 2 ports / Available with 1 or 2 ports Stroke Mini DN 6 and 8 DIN (1/4“ – 3/8“) = 1,5 mm Port Sizes DN 6 and DN 8 1/4“ – 3/8“ Stroke Standard DN 10 DIN (1/2") = 3 mm...
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Available Options WE OFFER THE RIGHT SAMPLING VALVE FOR YOUR APPLICATION BioCheck Classic with 1 port CHEMICAL OR PHYSICAL SAMPLING / BioCheck Classic / BioCheck Compact BioCheck Classic with 2 ports BioCheck Combi with welded T-piece MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLING Classic DN 15 for viscous media Process Connection Ingold Nozzle MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLING / BioCheck Classic Classic DN 10 for insulated tanks Helicopter Valve for dosing / BioCheck Combi / BioCheck Compact / BioCheck Mini SAMPLING VALVE WITH 1 PORT SAMPLING VALVE WITH 2 PORTS / CIP only during main cleaning of process possible /...
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Sampling into Bottle Product Family and Accessories With the BioCheck sampling system, samples can be taken from sealed systems like tanks and pipelines simply and safely. In the design of this sterile valve, special attention was paid to an aseptic and at the same time highly compact design. That incorporation in both sterile and CIP/SIP circuits is straightforward and, above all, the sampling is without contamination. BIOCHECK INCLINED SEAT VALVE Based on the BioCheck Sampling Valve, the BioCheck Inclined Seat Valve is the real aseptic alternative to diaphragm valves in the industry....
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Technical Data MATERIAL / in contact with product 1.4404/AISI 316L / optional 1.4435/AISI 316L / not in contact with product 1.4301/AISI 304 / all valves are available in special alloys, such as Hastelloy C22, 1.4539/904L, 1.4529, AL6XN and others / continuous operation / steam sterilization / product pressure / in contact with product Ra< 0,8 μm (32 μm) mechanically polished / not in contact with product Ra< 1,6 μm (63 μm) mechanically polished / higher quality surface finishes and e-polishing available upon request * dependent upon operating conditions Representations Own subsidiaries YOU...
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YOU DIDN'T FIND THE RIGHT VALVE? Further Rieger valve types upon request and in our catalogue. Contact your dedicated sales manager in our sales team in your area. Gebr. Rieger GmbH + Co. KG Kochertalstraße 32 DE-73431 Aalen Phone: +49 7361 5702-891 Email:
Open the catalog to page 7All Gebr. Rieger GmbH + Co. KG catalogs and technical brochures
Full Stroke Valves
7 Pages
Hygienic Single Seat Valves
5 Pages
Hygienic Double Seat Valves
7 Pages
Hygienic Valve Program
13 Pages
Aseptic Valve Program
15 Pages