GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers


Catalog excerpts

GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 1

GEA HB Craft Brew Series “Plug & Brew” Centrifuges for Small and Mid-sized Breweries engineering for a better world

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 3

No Limits for New Beers There has never been a better time for making beers. All around the world brewers are turning craft beers into spectacular success stories. Beginning in the US, the craft beer trend has now gone global and it keeps getting more popular. How about your beer? GEA has tools developed specifically for craft brewers. Whether your operation is just getting started or on the way to expansion, you can benefit from the HB Craft Brew centrifuge from GEA. This versatile line of equipment has a variety of applications in the brewery. Each application benefits the brewery by...

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 4

A large volume of perfectly brewed beer is lost in the process when cellaring-off dry hop solids, surplus yeast and trub. It's all money going down the drain. But with a GEA HB Craft Brew centrifuge system, you can extract the maximum amount of beer from each brew. The centrifuge does it The mixture to be separated (e.g., hot wort, beer, tank bottoms) enters the rotating centrifuge bowl via a centrally positioned inlet pipe. A distributor guides the mixture into the separation area made up of a stack of conically arranged disks - with a combined surface equivalent to 80 football fields....

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 5

It takes time to make a great beer. But you can optimize the brewing process significantly by using the HB Craft Brew system for all clarification steps. Centrifugation multiplies the clarifying power of natural gravity, thus saving production time and allowing a faster route to market. For this and many other reasons GEA separator skids mean a fast return on investment! * 3 9 10 With or without kieselguhr GEA HB Craft Brew Series centrifuge skids offer an ideal alternative to kieselguhr filtration. They achieve consistent clarity and taste of the beer, ensuring reproducible product quality...

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 6

Plug & Brew – the All-In-One Solution CLARIFICATION OF HOT WORT Clarifying the hot wort means more beer from one brew. The multi-functional GEA HB series centrifuge system is configured for this application. PROCESSING OF TANK BOTTOMS FOR BEER RECOVERY Tank bottoms contain up to 80% of perfectly brewed beer that you can simply recover and sell. Again, the multi-functional GEA HB series centrifuge system is configured for this application. FINAL BEER CLARIFICATION Replaces or supports kieselguhr filtration (depending on the type of beer to be produced) with maximum efficiency and flexibility.

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 7

GREEN BEER CLARIFICATION Removal of yeast and coarse solids after fermentation to reduce losses in tank bottoms with maximum quality. TURBIDITY ADJUSTMENT Adjust the centrifuge, e.g., when producing cloudy beer, to leave just the right turbidity for the beer experience you want to create, automatically. CLARIFICATION OF BEERS WITH ADDED FLAVORS/STABILIZERS Make your beer with exactly the ingredients you require in exactly the amounts you want. Dry hop without beer losses. PROCESSING OF BEER WITH AUTOMATIC YEAST DOSING Process surplus yeast with your beer at will and control the result in...

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 8

Benefit from Numerous Applications With One Installation GEA's special HB Craft Brew Series systems cover, among many other applications, three central processes, with a minimum footprint and minor adjustment. For that reason they are the ideal solution for smaller and medium-sized brewers with great visions for the future. Each application and its benefits have been thoroughly tested in cooperation with leading craft breweries, for maximum “plug & brew” convenience! Wort Clarification WORT KETTLE Separation of the trub and the hop solids with maximum efficiency and yield to get bright and...

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 9

Green Beer Clarification with added Surplus Yeast/ Flavors/Stabilizers FERMENTATION TANK YEAST STORAGE TANK BEER STORAGE TANK Pump and blending station Optional equipment for dosing of surplus yeast into unclarified beer resulting in more beer gained from the process and, therefore, improved efficiency. Turbidity measuring Turbidity measuring Beer Recovery from Tank Bottoms FERMENTATION TANK BEER STORAGE TANK Turbidity measuring The beer recovered from surplus yeast can be fed into the storage tank or to further process stations with minimum system adjustment effort. Our specialists are...

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 10

Four Sizes – for Every Brewery GEA HB Series centrifuge skids are available in four sizes. Each is equipped with state-of-the-art technology in every detail, based on 120 years of GEA centrifuge and brewhouse expertise and is ready for you when it is received. Centrifuge models are also available as un-skidded machines. Superior technology Plug & brew ready-to-start kits Minimized oxygen pick-up Gentle product handling Fast and precise ejections The GEA HB series centrifuge skids are equipped with the patented hydry® ejection system. Superior efficiency More beer from every brew Faster...

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 11

HB0125 “plug & brew” skid Capacity Beer clarification/recovery Wort clarification HB025 “plug & brew” skid Capacity Beer clarification/recovery Wort clarification HB05 “plug & brew” skid Capacity Beer clarification/recovery Wort clarification HB1-S “plug & brew” skid Capacity Beer clarification/recovery Wort clarification Utilities Pressurized air 6 bar | CO2 > 1 bar | water > 1 bar Capacities subject to solids load in the feed to the centrifuge. All centrifuge models are also available as sepa

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GEA “Plug & Win” Centrifuge Skids for Craft Brewers - 12

GEA Group is a global engineering company with multi-billion euro sales and operations in more than 50 countries. Founded in 1881, the company is one of the largest providers of i nnovative equipment and process technology. GEA Group is listed in the STOXX® Europe 600 Index. GEA North America Northeast: 100 Fairway Court Northvale, NJ 07647 201-767-3900 Midwest: 1707 N. Randall Road, Suite 355 Elgin, IL 60123 630-503-4700 South: 4725 Lakeland Commerce Parkway, Suite 4 Lakeland, FL 33805 863-603-8900 Southwest: 2408 Timberloch Place, Suite C-4 The Woodlands, TX 77380 281-465-7900 West Coast:...

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