Catalog excerpts

GEA Compact Radiators – Dry Coolers Top-level engineering solutions engineering for a better world
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Top-level engineering solutions with operative excellence and dedicated project teams GEA Heat Exchangers Combined expertise and excellence in heat transfer Our teams are multi-skilled. Their knowledge of their customers’ businesses ensures that they will find the optimum solution for each project. They take full responsibility for a project, from design to delivery, or support their customers in calculating the most suitable The internationally operating GEA Group focuses on process technology and components for solution – as value-adding partners. At the same time, customers can rest...
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Making the difference Sustainability, certified quality, reliable service The GEA’s value proposition covers all aspects of its value-added partnership and factors in the entire life cycle of investment in equipment and processes. As part of its process of life-cycle costing, all the relevant criteria – such as planning, installation, efficiency, and operating costs, including maintenance, service, and upgrading – are coordinated and optimized to maximize benefit for the customer. Center of Excellence GEA engineering solutions offer customers the benefits of standardization and To promote...
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GEA Compact Radiators – Dry coolers Finned-tube compact systems Customized compact radiators Our specific compact radiators can be adapted to meet all required demand, technical specifications, and main manufacturing codes. Each project is specifically designed on an individual basis, taking account of your requirements as well as our large choice of heat-exchange surfaces and materials. Fans can be located either above or below the equipment, in induced draft or forced draft mode. Our customized compact radiators feature a design of flat-bed and V-bank units arranged in single- and...
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Gas turbines and combinedcycle power plants Diesel engine stationary power plants Versatile power units (gensets) Co-generation power plants Combined heat and power generation Water consumption by power-plant State-of-the-art heat transfer pro- Engine generators are used to supply (CHP), also known as co-generation, condenser cooling is becoming electrical power to sites where mains is the use of a power station to provide an issue of increasing importance. enhanced efficiency of fossil fuel power is not available, or where both electric power and processes (or Significant reduction in...
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Stationary diesel-engine power plants Solutions for smooth continous operation Among the most outstanding projects is the power plant in Mabruk, one of the largest oil fields in Libya. MAN 18V32/40 diesel motors with an output of 8 MW each were installed here. Induced draft compact radiators with AlMg fins are used for cooling, especially designed for desert conditions and highly resistant against abrasive and corrosive influences. Diesel power plant in Libya. Energy modular compact radiators (EMCR) Product features: Energy modular compact radiators they consist of two large bundles...
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Gas turbines and combined-cycle power plants Customized compact solutions for each and every case A 350 MW combined-cycle power plant operates in Esch sur Alzette in Luxembourg. The customer, Alstom, uses GEA systems for the cooling plant. Cooling water modules were delivered in 1999: a fin fan cooler plus expansion tank, piping, pump skid, and instrumentation. The equipment included alu fins turbulated type plus polual coating. The large fans (8’ diameter) are driven by means of transmissions (pulleys and V-belts). CCPP in Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg. aluminum to ensure good mechanical...
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Transformer oil air compact coolers Efficient and flexible solutions for T & D’s Versatile power units using gas or diesel engines Space-saving solutions for compact gensets Transformer oil air compact coolers Compact designs here are based on the specifications of leading power-transformer This range of high-quality configured products was developed to match the companies, to ensure a very long lifetime (similar to the transformer itself). technical requirements of the main players in the small- to medium-size diesel Application of the strictest standards assures effective cleaning of the...
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Museums and libraries For their archiving requirements, Office buildings with full-façade glazing museums and libraries require Parking garages absolutely stable indoor climate conditions. Fluctuations in room Even though outstanding passive humidity endanger works of art building designs are now available, and books. Effective air treatment modern glass façades represent therefore requires far more than great challenges for climate control. mere temperature control. Wherever internal combustion Hotels and data centers engines operate indoors, health protection is critical. Respiratory...
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HVAC systems and processes We ensure feel-good climate in buildings GEA in the heart of Paris: The client Trane decided on using our innovative systems for air conditioning a building of France Telecom. The dry compact coolers are a component of chillers type RTHD and operate with cooling kits with a capacity of 1,200 kW per chiller. A total of seven were delivered in 2002. HVAC dry compact coolers in Paris. Compact bundles This range of high-quality configured compact products has been developed to For air handling units, compact bundles are used for heat transfer between the match all...
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Wood, pulp, and paper Food and pharmaceutical processing Paper machines, felt drying, presses, Energy and gas compression stations Iron and steel industry 20 | 21 Very high temperatures, a corrosive and any process requiring cooling Any equipment used in these indus- water and considerable energy: tries must comply with demanding control of heat exchange enables this environmental, health, and safety steel industries. Our thick AlMg fins, Since most gas-liquefaction plants industry to better manage costs for example, are extremely robust and while improving product quality. stainless steel,...
Open the catalog to page 11All GEA Polacel Cooling Towers bv catalogs and technical brochures
CW-Rohr Factsheet
2 Pages
Closed Circuit Coolers
13 Pages
Charge Air Coolers
13 Pages
Air Fin Coolers
22 Pages
Mini Desublimator Brochure
16 Pages
Goedhart AU.s Brochure
4 Pages
Air Dryer and Air Preheater
16 Pages